Marketing For: Landscapers

landscaped yard

We’re here to offer marketing strategies to grow your business, while you continue to focus on growing your customers’ flora.

As a trusted landscaping company or landscape architect in your community, you undoubtedly dedicate much of your time to your craft. Any small business owner can attest to the struggle of not having enough hours in the day to figure everything else out.

And while marketing strategy may not be your specialty, we’ve identified some key (and simple) tips to strengthen your landscaping business in 2022. You could say we’re here to offer marketing strategies to grow your business, while you continue to focus on growing your customers’ flora.

1. Share your knowledge by providing free content.

Once you’ve found a dependable way to reach your target audience (say, through your area’s Stroll magazine) that’s delivered free to new homeowners), it’s time to build trust. Trust is the main factor in turning one-time clients into loyal customers. Build trust by creating free educational content that clearly shows your authority and expertise on landscaping in your area. Because as you know, landscaping simply isn’t the same from region to region. Knowledge of your location is vital.

You can showcase your expertise in multiple ways, but creating educational content online through blogs and social media will give you immediate results today. And once you start sharing great content, simply add a CTA (call to action) on all other marketing you do that leads interested homeowners to your blog or social pages. 

Blogging is an essential part of any local business strategy. It helps you rank well on Google (pulls your site up higher on the list when customers search for landscapers in their area) and creates a following of readers who see you as a trusted resource. Your blog content should always have a CTA where you tout your services, making it easier to schedule a landscaping consultation.

Providing educational content through your social platforms is another great way to inform and inspire customers. Many small businesses that do this well even gain followers outside of their area who searched for a trusted landscaping expert. And if you don’t have social pages for your business, specifically Facebook and Instagram, now’s the time to get those started. Any marketing professional worth their salt will tell you having a social presence as a landscaper is a key part of your brand awareness strategy.

2. Offer a word of mouth referral program.

While many marketing strategies for local businesses are going digital, it’s best to know your specific audience and what will get them to book with you. Landscaping architects and business owners are finding success through niche print advertising and word of mouth referrals. After all, if a homeowner loves the work you did at their house, they will certainly tell their neighbors and friends.

It’s best to use that free, positive press to your advantage. Happy, loyal customers are your best salespeople, and certainly at the best price. Offer discounts or free services to customers who refer additional people to you. If you offer two months of free lawn maintenance for every three referrals, it will encourage your client to talk you up. You can get creative with it, or do a referral program through social media as well. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reward loyal customers for their major part in your success.

3. Connect with trusted builders and REALTORS®.

Networking is essential for small businesses. And networking for landscapers is best done with the people in industries that can form symbiotic relationships. Home builders and REALTORS® can be the most profitable contacts. For new builds, homebuilders need a trusted landscaper to design and customize foliage and flower beds. And this sort of work provides a continuous stream of work year-round.

Partnering with a local REALTOR® can be beneficial in many ways. When houses are on the market, the yard needs to be kept in “showing shape” and tidied up. And many new home buying clients turn to their agents for referrals for different home-related needs since they’re often one of the few locals they know. Meeting builders and agents is as simple as walking into their local office and dropping off a business card, or sending an email showcasing your work. You can even ask your clients if they have a home builder or real estate agent they trust – then you have a name to drop in your intro.

4. Target specific ads on Facebook.

Get specific when you spend money on social ads. Specifically targeting the neighborhoods or towns you’d prefer to do business in will ensure you’re zoning in on your target audience. Facebook and Instagram ads can be specifically tailored to certain people – use it to your advantage.

Instead of overwhelming with flashy ads and all-caps text, remain true to your landscaping abilities while focusing on the reader, not you. You want to make a potential client feel seen and safe knowing you can solve the solution to their problem. Tired of mowing in the heat? No problem – let us take care of that for you. Need to redesign your landscaping but your thumbs aren’t green? Call us for a free consultation.

5. Build relationships with HOAs.

Homeowners associations (HOAs) are sometimes the gatekeeper to the audience you most want to reach – affluent homeowners. If you can create a trusted partnership with HOA members, you can automatically (and sometimes exponentially) increase your customer base. Make an effort to meet the leaders of a local HOA with a professional business card in hand, or better yet, partner with one of our Stroll publishers who can get your printed ads in the hands of affluent homeowners. This gets you in front of the eyes of the hardest clients to reach in the area who are very likely in need of a trusted landscaper. This keeps you top of mind with your ideal customers and pairs your business name with a seal of approval – the custom, monthly magazine they love.

6. Hire professional brand designers for a logo, business card design, and work uniforms.

Our last landscaping business marketing tip involves bringing in the professionals to design a logo and business cards. There’s a reason you’re an expert in landscape architecture and would suggest someone who isn’t to leave it to you. Same goes for your branding – a professional logo and font can be the split-second decision-maker for a customer.

Turf Magazine emphasizes that “a professional business card can be the deciding factor on whether or not you get that commercial account callback.” As the expert in your field, your company branding must reflect professionalism, knowledge, and experience. Our Hyport Digital team offers branding services if you’re not sure where to turn. And if you don’t have standard uniforms for your staff, use your new branding on custom t-shirts to further reflect the quality you provide.

We hope you have fun using these marketing tips for your landscaping business. While marketing can seem scary to tackle at first, it can be fun, and should always be rewarding. If you’re looking to partner with your Stroll publisher, we suggest reaching out today!