Precious Pets

In the heart of the Guichard home, Pixie and Smokey bring joy, laughter, cuddles, and a touch of mischief. Pixie, the pit mix, and Smokey, the American bulldog/boxer mix, both found their
forever home through the compassionate act of rescue. Pixie, a playful 15-year-old, had been
abandoned near their house, while Smokey, the charming 8-year-old, came into their lives via
Coastal Pet Rescue. He even has his painted portrait displayed in the organization's adoption room.

Cyril came up with Pixie’s name instantly after they took her in. No name could fit better! She’s
always been super playful, incredibly cute, and even a little mischievous. Pixie, also
affectionately known as "Queen P" earned her regal title through a combination of enthusiasm,
charm, and a hint of bossiness. She's mastered the art of channeling her inner cat by chasing the elusive laser pointer dot around the house, a game that she requests by leading her humans to the pointer's hiding place with a knowing look at them and then the floor.
Smokey, with additional monikers like “Wiggles” and “Mr. Paw Paw”, is the epitome of the
bestest boy. He expresses himself with giant, attention-grabbing paws, reaching out for taps if he wants your attention or stretching them out proudly during a snuggle session.

Pixie's playfulness at 15 is a testament to her enduring spirit, always up playtime, especially if
the coveted & laser is involved. Smokey, on the other hand, enchants the family with his
goofiness and quiet, adoring gazes. His happiness peaks when the family gathers in one room,
and he effortlessly melts into them when it’s time to cuddle.

A few of Pixie's early escapades include pulling a roasted chicken off the counter the first night
she was with Cyril and Celeste. However, immediately after it crashed to the ground she ran away and didn’t get any delicious loot. On another occasion, Pixie “trimmed” the rose bush and did an amazing job as it never had more roses than that year. Pixie adores afternoon sunbaths,
which she learned from their previous dog Gretel. If Smokey tried to take one at the same time
she becomes annoyed, even if he is nowhere near her. In her mind, there is only enough sun for one dog. Queen P strikes again!

Smokey is very curious and protective. When they would take Celeste’s mother home, after a
visit, Smokey would go along for the ride. Arriving at her house, he would get to work and
literally “check” every room, every closet, every nook and cranny, even under beds. He was like
a Secret Service agent making sure the zone was clear! On the spoiled scale, whatever number is at the top, add another ten for Pixie, and eight for Smokey – although he’s trying hard to catch up!

Pixie and Smokey are the perfect balance for their family. While Pixie provides the energy,
Smokey maintains the calming solidity of a big, gentle boy with the occasional dash of
kookiness. She bosses him around and tries to demand the most petting, which he allows until
he calmly wedges his bulk into a space where he can get some affection too. They certainly are
integral members of this loving family.