"Chief of Peace" Miko takes his job seriously

Like most amazing pets, Scotland Mitchell and Ty Tantisook met Miko, their beloved Siberian Husky, as a rescue. This sweet boy came from the Humane Society for Greater Savannah. While Miko's name was inherited from his previous owner, its meaning, "beautiful child" and "chief of peace," perfectly encapsulates his gentle demeanor and calming presence. 

Miko breaks the stereotype of a typical Husky with his laid-back attitude. While he enjoys the occasional neighborhood run with Ty, indulging in backyard fetch sessions, and serenading his humans with a husky-style melody, his true passion lies in relaxation. You'll often find him lounging in a shady corner with his beloved monkey toy, perfectly content in his own peaceful world.

Scotland and Ty adore everything about Miko, even his notorious shedding habits. To them, Miko isn't just a pet; he's a valued member of the family who fills their lives with boundless love and joy. They agree with the saying, "I didn't rescue my dog, he rescued me," and Miko's presence in their pack brings immeasurable happiness.

Yet, amidst the tranquility, Miko keeps his humans on their toes with his mischievous antics. Despite his usual well-behaved demeanor, the allure of delicious food occasionally leads him astray. From marinated steaks to baguettes, no culinary delight is safe from Miko's curious palate. As a result, creative storage solutions have become a necessity to outsmart their food-loving pup.

One might think that Miko is simply looking for new food options, but he enjoys a regular, luxurious diet of salmon, tuna, and sardines. After a nice walk or some fun play, he enjoys an assortment of cooling beds to combat the Savannah heat. After all, every pet deserves a touch of indulgence, especially one as cherished as Miko.