Meet Nathaniel Thompson

Photography has been Nathaniel Thompson’s lifelong passion. Born in ChianMai, Thailand, he spent much of his childhood on St Simons Island in the Golden Isles. He’s lived near Ardsley Park for the last three years and appreciates the support that artists find in the city. 

“My subject matter largely comes from driving around,” Nathaniel began. “Whether that is around the city, in the state, or across the country. I am always looking at spaces and documenting them as much as I can. I believe every place deserves recognition and documentation and I try to be as unbiased as possible. Spaces and buildings that I may not be interested in now because of how current they are or how often I interact with them, may be something interesting to look back to 30 years from now.”

He credits much of his love for the craft to his family; his father and paternal grandparents are photographers. 

“I have always had a camera with me in some form or fashion and have constantly taken photos. I documented my own life and travels, which led me to document the South and its vernacular structures. The photos I take still loosely function as a diary, where it is the places I travel to,  but the work now has an anthropological and archival goal and has become a community-oriented project,” he explained. 

This rich history of photography and commitment to seeing the beauty in life is clear in all of Nathaniel’s work. He primarily works in analog film, using digital cameras to occasionally aid in documentation. 

“I I had my first solo exhibition at the SoGlo Gallery in Brunswick, Georgia in 2022. It was my first time showing work to the public on that scale. With over 100+ photographs and art pieces, two interactive installation spaces, and my largest piece to date, a 6 FT x 8 FT print,” smiled Nathaniel. 

When exploring his work, Nathaniel’s photo style shows clean lines, a playful sense of humor and strong emotions. To explore more of his work, find him  at