Doing Well by Doing Good

Once upon a time, Benjamin Franklin counseled Americans to “do well by doing good” and, while his message probably wasn’t specifically aimed at Bob and Michele Chiste, they’re living demonstrations of the wisdom of those words. Today, they’re well-established figures in Bentwater, having been property owners here since 1992, and having built their current home in 2011. But their story started in the northeast corner of the country. Michele was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., but grew up in Hamilton Township, N.J. where, as it happens, Bob was also born and grew up. They met during their high school years, dated through their college years, and married in 1971. Over their subsequent 53 years of marriage, they’ve created an impressive story, starting with raising their children, whom they fondly refer to as their five ‘M’s – Maria, Matt, Michael, Mark, and Megan. Actually, there’s a 6th “M” when you factor in Monty (short for Montgomery), their 2 ½-year-old Morkie. And, since he’s the only ‘M’ still living at home, he’s the boss around the house and a favorite of all their friends and neighbors because his ‘M’ is also his nickname. Mr. Personality. Meanwhile, the original five ‘M’s are busy raising children of their own, seven grandchildren in all. They are Mason, Sienna, Sarah, Miles, Michael, Mateo, and Martin. 

As parents and grandparents, Bob and Michele have strived to guide their kids to follow their dreams and always stay true to a mission of giving more to the world than the world gives to them. Their instinct for “giving back” stems from their own upbringing. As first generation (Bob) and second generation (Michele) offspring of parents who emigrated to the U.S. from Italy, they were raised to understand and appreciate humble beginnings, which taught them the values of hard work, integrity, and love of country. So “paying it forward” to their own kids was a natural instinct. They consider themselves fortunate to now have the ability to contribute to a number of charitable and church causes, and the two they have devoted the majority of their financial support and personal commitment to are The Hope Lodge (at MD Anderson) and Be an Angel. If you don’t know, The Hope Lodge is a free "hotel" of 68 suites for cancer patients and caretakers while undergo treatment at MD Anderson. Through their family charitable trust and Bentwater's City Limits fundraiser concerts, they’ve jointly sponsored three of those 68 suites. Then, by providing things such as hearing aids, wheel chairs, and transportation services, Be An Angel supports the needs of children with multiple disabilities, including those who suffer from profound deafness. That organization has received over $250,000 through Bentwater City Limits events, often with Bob as the “entertaining” Master of Ceremonies, and the Chiste’s charitable trust.  

Though they had very different career paths, their individual and collective focus was always around helping others. Michele’s career, in addition to raising all those ‘M’s, has had a profound impact on humanity (literally saving lives) as an Intensive Care and Coronary Care nurse. After graduating from St. Francis Nursing School in Trenton, N.J., she became an RN and went on to get her BS in Nursing Administration from New Jersey’s Stockton State College. Working at the same hospital for 16 years, she was appointed to formulate a 6-week “internship” program for newly graduated nurses designed to supervise proficiency in nursing skills. Later, she worked for a podiatrist before settling in with a gynecologist as her office nurse. When asked “why” she pursued nursing, she referenced the following quote: “Every time I hear a newborn baby cry, or calm a soul about to die, then I know why I’m a nurse!”  And perhaps that explains why, once they came to Texas, she even worked as a substitute school nurse in the Katy School district for several years. Bob also praises her spectacular hosting and cooking skills—often Italian food, of course.

After graduating from the College of N.J. as a math major and fullback for the Lions, Bob’s career started as a high school math teacher at the New Jersey School for the Deaf. Most of his students went on to Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C., which is the only college for the deaf/hard of hearing in America. Following his entrepreneurial instincts (starting with a paper route when he was 10), and having a vision of building businesses where he could achieve success by creating strong teams through coaching/mentoring, his next step was earning a law degree and MBA from Rutgers University. From there he co-founded several successful businesses, which led to him being named CEO of others and serving on the boards of several public companies and dozens of private companies through his personal venture capital firm. Over the years, he’s found himself working alongside such industry icons as  Ken Lay and Rich Kinder, Robert and Arthur Belfer, Bob McNair, Boone Pickens, and Carl Icahn. He even visited with Steve Jobs when Bob co-founded the first personal computer store in New Jersey in the 70’s. His history of entrepreneurial ventures and leadership successes are so extensive that you’d need a book to adequately cover them all, and coincidentally, Bob’s been thinking of writing one. If/when he does, it’s a good bet that any proceeds will go to support a worthy cause. After all, he’s been referred to by his peers as “the Forrest Gump of Business” and, like Forrest, these ventures (or adventures) have brought him considerable success. His penchant for teaching and mentoring even resulted in his being a guest lecturer on entrepreneurship at Rutgers, Cornell, and Rice Universities.

When not growing companies and mentoring others, Bob and Michele enjoy being able to host dinner parties and fundraisers in their very ample home here in Bentwater, fondly referred to as ChisteLand. To give you an idea of just how unique it is, the home’s HVAC systems run on geothermal power. Of course, living in the middle of three courses and 54 holes, you won’t be surprised to know that they both golf. And Bob is quick to brag on Michele, who only took up the game during the COVID period, but has done very well. A natural. And both express gratitude for their church home in Plantersville, St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, which Bob says brings plenty of "grounding," and he’ll soon need that even more given his planned space travel. Yep, apparently there’s only so much one can achieve here on earth, so with ticket in hand, he’s waiting to learn the exact schedule for a planned 2026 Virgin Galactic Flight into space. And why wouldn’t he?