Scout's Heroic Rescue

Around May 15th, Scout decided to jump off the boat before it was up to the dock and wound up in the lake. I tried to get her out, but a soaking wet 75-pound dog is quite a struggle.

In a panic, I chased after her as she swam under the docks to various lifts, trying unsuccessfully to climb up. Finally, I managed to trap her between a slip and a lift frame so she wouldn't go under, and I started calling for help.

Enter her heroes (and ours), Joseph Goetz and Zach Farmer, who heard my cries and dropped everything to help. Zach jumped into the lake to push her up while Joseph lifted her out. Zach then jumped into a kayak to catch our boat floating in the harbor, drove it into the slip, and helped me cover it and put the lift up.

Thanks to these men, Scout wants to share her story with her new friends. Georgia and I want to add our heartfelt thanks as well. In our 23 years at the marina, we have had many employees help us in so many ways, and this was no exception.