New Kids’ (Playground) on the Block!

It was a tale as old as time: a corner lot too small for a residence, too large for almost anything else.  A lot too dry to sustain meaningful growth, too barren to be attractive.  Unkept.   Useless.  Except through the eyes of Steve Geneway.  Steve saw something different.
Steve moved to North Carolina from Messina, NY and is a resident of Kinderton Village.  He retired from a career in Facilities Management and brought his skills along with him.  Steve sits on the KV Single Family Board and knows to whom he should speak about these matters.  He envisioned a neighborhood playground: safe, lush, green, accessible. Others before Steve had shared such visions but Steve got to work to make it happen.
Neighbors began to notice changes to the lot.   First, several Arborvitae shrubs went in (a sale at Sam’s Club).  Workers from Davie County came in and performed some work across the street, puzzling many of the neighbors.  Turns out, Steve arranged for a water line to be brought to the lot.  Next, some excavation. Suddenly (it seemed), there was a layout for a play gym.  Borders went up, a structure began to take form. There were, apparently, 123 pages of instructions for assembling the gym (!!).  There was no plan for the it to be affixed to the ground but Steve would have none of that: he CEMENTED the legs into the ground for maximum stability.   Steve called for volunteers when he needed them, completed the rest of the work himself.
Tall grasses went in (formerly of KV islands – way to draw from existing resources, Steve).  A blue tube slide went up, then swings (2 regular, one for babies).   Children waited with baited breath. 18 yards of “Play Fresh” material was delivered to keep the floor of the play area safe for tumbles and stumbles.  
Mysterious blue posts went up at the perimeter of the lot.   One day those posts spouted water: irrigation!  Steve also envisions solar lights on the posts. Concrete forms went in: a sloping sidewalk was poured to accommodate visitors in strollers.
There is a 9x9 patio to the right of the play gym and Steve has an idea for that: he’ll be campaigning for a picnic table to be placed there, perhaps with an umbrella for moms, dads and grandparents to sit and watch. . .  But his plans do not stop there!  Steve sees the back left corner of the lot as a good place for plantings.  He considered shrubs and flowers but has set his sights on fruit bushes: blueberry and blackberry, perhaps.  He says it will be good for the children to see nature at work, producing fruit for them to watch and eventually, enjoy.
We’re beginning to see children at the playground: swinging, climbing, laughing.  This corner on Kilbourne Drive has made the neighborhood feel so much livelier.  Thanks to Steve and all those who pitched in to make this happen!