Getting to Know Kirk and Christy Peavy - Owners of LuxFireams

Married small business owners Kirk and Christy Peavy spend the majority of their time together, whether they are working at their business, LuxFirearms, the Jerry Long YMCA, or enjoying family time. Although they come from different backgrounds, they’ve found common ground in their shared values and priorities.

Christy’s journey started with witnessing the value of hard work at a young age. Her mother came to the United States from Cuba as a refugee at the age of six, and her father immigrated from Colombia at 16. Growing up, Christy worked in her mother’s clothing store during the summers to earn spending money. "I had thought that I wanted to become a teacher when I went to Nova Southeastern University," Christy shared. However, her time working at the store made her realize how much she enjoyed interacting with people and making sales. Though she didn't pursue teaching, this experience helped shape her entrepreneurial spirit.
Kirk’s career path took a different route. He initially pursued business and fire science at the University of Arizona, with the goal of becoming an arson investigator. However, his plans changed after witnessing the impact of the Gulf War on family members who had served. Inspired by their commitment, Kirk decided to join the U.S. Army in 1995. He quickly found his way into the Special Operations unit and was stationed at Ft. Bragg. Kirk’s role focused on counterintelligence, a position that required frequent deployments. "I loved it more than I expected to," he said, explaining how his initial plan had been to retire from the Army. However, he was medically retired before reaching that point.

Not one to let his skills go to waste, Kirk transitioned to other counterintelligence roles, working with the Defense Intelligence Agency, DynCorp International, and Academi (formerly Blackwater). His career included assignments to protect diplomats, ambassadors, and even three U.S. presidents. Eventually, Kirk moved to North Carolina, where he implemented training programs for students working in high-threat environments overseas.

Christy’s move to North Carolina had different motivations. She and her first husband relocated for job opportunities with R.J. Reynolds, a decision she hadn’t anticipated would become permanent. During this time, she gave birth to her daughters, Isabella and Sofia. Sadly, when the girls were just three and five, Christy’s first husband passed away from cancer. "That was a really tough time," Christy reflected. Yet, her faith and perseverance helped her push through. "Sometimes we need to walk through fire to become stronger on the other side," she said. Prior to her children’s birth, Christy had held various sales positions at companies like Pepsi and Western Union. After staying home full-time with her daughters for six years, Christy eventually felt ready to consider dating again.

In 2017, Kirk and Christy met through a Christian dating site, and two years later, they were married. They blended their families, which also included Kirk’s children, Zachary and Emily, and settled into their new life together.

With shared interests and values, Kirk and Christy decided to take their partnership a step further by going into business together. They had made several real estate investments, which allowed them to consider a new venture. Initially, they thought about opening an indoor shooting range, but when a friend decided to sell his store, Idols Gun Rack and Gun Vault, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. They purchased the business, which had two locations: one in Kernersville and one in East Bend. Shortly after, they moved the East Bend location to Clemmons and rebranded as LuxFirearms.

Christy brought her sales expertise to the business, making changes that catered to growing trends. "We’ve tried to tailor it more to females because statistically, they are out-purchasing men," she said. "We aren’t trying to reinvent the market, but we’re also not ignoring it." LuxFirearms now features a relaxed, upscale environment, complete with a chandelier and seating area, aimed at making all customers feel welcome. The couple also retained the original staff, believing in supporting their community and building a team that shared their vision and mission.

Today, LuxFirearms operates two locations, in Clemmons and Kernersville, with future plans to open an indoor shooting range in Clemmons. Kirk, meanwhile, continues to offer his expertise by helping local churches with threat assessments and training. "I try to help when I can," he said. Giving back to the community remains important to both Kirk and Christy, who are also looking forward to welcoming their first granddaughter in September.