Cambridge backyard oasis turns pickleball battlefield!

Andy E.
Your neighbor Nick Weybright has an oasis for a backyard that turns into the weekly destination for a pretty competitive pickleball tournament. Originally the pickleball group started with Nick Weybright, Andy Elsbury, Steve Edgar and Jim Finefrock. Over time they invited more and more guys from Cambridge and other surrounding communities. Weybright truly enjoys hosting. He loves to get to know as many other great guys as he can! It’s a fun group and great exercise. Andy H. wanted to state that Nick is very cool to host pickleball at his house Saturday mornings, very hospitable.
Steve E. mentioned Weybright’s great sense of inclusion. The entire group agrees that this sentiment continues the camaraderie, jovial environment and ever-expanding growth. All of the pickleball players acknowledge that this group has the perfect level of completion and is an all-around great bunch of guys. Everything week is full of fun banter, motivation and encouragement to go out and play. The smack talk seems to be a highlight too.
Stroll Cambridge Magazine went out to see the action first hand with our talented Sport Photographer Kara Pulfer. Check out the great pictures and commentary from the players!
Nick W.
Who is the most competitive: Hmmmm. – me
Who is the most improved: Steve E.
Memorable experience or highlight: Hmmm unfortunately it would involve bad sportsmanship and unrepeatable language ruining the image of the characters involved. So what happens on the pickleball courts stays on the pickleball court….
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? Great exercise and improved game, still a lot of room for improvement. Feel free to join us!
Andy H.
Who is the most competitive: Andy E. and Nick
Who is the most improved: Scott
Memorable experience or highlight: Rainout at Nick’s and hanging out in his garage. Great bonding experience.
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? Increased my commitment to a group of pickleball players, show up with commitment to play, and enjoy each other’s company. Get to learn more about other people with the core being the game of Pickleball.
Steve E.
Who is the most competitive: All of us are very competitive. Mostly vs our prior selves. We expect to get batter.
Who is the most improved: Probably Paul A. That Viking’s game has really improved. Kind of frustrating. It might have been me but my game has slipped badly of late.
Memorable experience or highlight: A couple paddles have been abused (frustration with oneself)… 1-2 burials at sea (Geist)…. But I prefer to remember the really great points. An excellent shot or some exceptional hustle. We get a couple of those each week. Always fun to body-bag one of your pals (ya can’t really do that to strangers and continue to pretend you’re a good sport).
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? Good to turn acquaintances into friends.
Andy E.
Who is the most competitive: Steve C. or maybe me.
Who is the most improved: Paul A. without a doubt.
Memorable experience or highlight: Every Saturday AM is a highlight.
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? 1st time is a gathering of all men. All are welcome to play. New players come often.
Bryan S.
Who is the most competitive: Nick
Who is the most improved: Me
Memorable Experience or Highlight: Pickling Nick
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? Made some new friendships and lost 20 lbs.
Bill D.
Who is the most competitive: Nick
Who is the most improved: Bryan
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? It motivates me to get up and start the weekend.
Steve G.
Who is the most competitive: Good Question
Who is the most improved: Another good question
Memorable experience or highlight: Just fun getting up Saturday morning at seven and playing at 7:30 till 11. It was a long day, but very fun and very sore.
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? Created a new group of friends.
Steve H.
Who is the most competitive: Andy E.
Who is the most improved: Bryan S
Memorable experience or highlight: Competition and smack talking!
Ram P.
Who is the most competitive: Most players in this group are at 3.5.
Who is the most improved: Hard to pick one.
Memorable experience or highlight: There are many. The group is so friendly and encourage each other to take part in the game which we play every Saturday. Even if one is not 100% fit, just to see and hangout with the group one gets tempted.
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? Keeps me active and gives me relief from stress.
Rob C.
Who is the most competitive: Nick
Who is the most improved: Paul
Memorable experience or highlight: Just fun times!
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? Met some new friends and really enjoy Saturday mornings for pickleball.
Jim F.
Who is the most competitive: I am.
Who is the most improved: Steve E. or Bryan S.
Memorable experience or highlight: Frequently when I think about my day or when I'm going to bed I often think of our pickleball games and smile or chuckle thinking about some of the exciting fun challenging plays/shots and reactions. Never have I played a sport where I've enjoyed it that much. It's especially fun when you make your opponent completely miss the ball with his paddle.
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? It's expanded my friendship network significantly. I know so many more people I would not have known otherwise if it weren't for pickleball. It's great being around so many different guys with a variety of backgrounds and professions. I haven't met someone playing pickleball I don't like.
Paul A.
Who is the most competitive: Andy E or one of the 10 Steve’s
Who is the most improved: Me I was pretty bad a year ago I now hang in pretty well
Memorable experience or highlight: I am pretty new to the group and pickleball in general so the first time I pickled two of the better players (they know who they are) was a ton of fun.
How has participating in the pickleball group impacted you? It is a great way to start your weekend and leave all the stress from the week behind.