Gavin Henrickson

What activities or sports did you participate in while in school? 
Cross country, track, ASB student government and leadership.

What college do you plan to attend? 
I will attend the University of Utah as a Business Scholar on a Presidential Scholarship.

How do you plan to spend this summer after graduation?  
Running, Flipping bikes, and going on a trip to Europe with my family.

What will you miss most about high school or college? 
I’ll miss running cross country and being surrounded by friends I have had since elementary school at Purdy.

Any special stories or information you would like to share about your high school experience?  
I loved growing up in Canterwood. When I was younger, I would spend summers going to swimming lessons at the pool, tennis lessons with Coach Joe, and golf lessons.  As I grew my bike business, people in the neighborhood were my best customers and the most generous donors when I fixed up and donated bikes.