The Griggs

Dana and Diana Griggs with their grandchildren, Reese, Riley, Sloane and Maguire at Christmas time!
Grandparent's Name: Diana Griggs
Nickname: Nana
Subdivision: Clarkson Mill
Grandchild's Name: Reese Griggs
Nickname: Reesey Piecey
Subdivision: Kehrs Mill Estates
Age: 6
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A veterinarian, so I can save animals.
What’s one way you think the world will be different when you’re my age?
There will be less trees.
What’s your favorite family tradition?
Taking our family picture on the beach in Florida
What makes you happy?
What are you afraid of? What makes you feel better or less afraid?
The dark; “meow meow” (her stuffed cat) makes her feel better.
What kind of chores do you do at home? What are you saving money to buy?
I clean the playroom. Money to buy more “stuffy’s” (stuffed animals).
What’s your favorite thing to do with me?
Play games
How many grandchildren do you think you’ll have when you’re my age?
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
There would be no school.
Who is your hero? Why?
Mommy, because she is so sweet (her mom didn’t pay her to say this).
When you were my age, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher
What’s one way the world was different when you were my age?
There wasn’t the internet or iPhones; we had a landline and maybe a party line.
Is there a story behind the name you call me? What is it?
I happen to love Reeses Peanut Butter Cups; we call you Reesey Piecey.
What makes you happy?
Playing with my four grandkids
What’s your favorite memory of your own grandfather or grandmother?
Making cinnamon buns with my grandma and eating them while they were still warm.
What were you scared of when you were little, and when did you stop being afraid?
I was scared of snakes, and I still am!
Can you tell me about the first time we ever met?
We met in the hospital.
How did you meet my grandfather/grandmother?
I met your grandfather when he came to my house to meet my brother; they were friends.
What’s your favorite part of having grandchildren?
Watching them grow up and be kind and sweet. Watching them play sports!
What was dad like when he was my age? Do I remind you of him in any way?
I can see your dad in you; he was kind and sweet just like you.