The Rooke Family

Schuyler, Rian, Josephine, and Beatrice make up our new neighbors in town, otherwise known as the Rookes. While we don’t expect you to correctly match the names and pronunciations to those photographed above, this new family is very excited to be joining the community. Schuyler (“sky-ler”) the gentleman pictured, is originally from Philadelphia and wastes no time reminding town Giants, Mets, and Ranger fans of his avid support of ‘Brotherly Love’ sports teams. Meanwhile, Rian (“ry-an”) hails from Northern California, having left the West to attend Columbia University. While working in the city, she met Schuyler. Fast forwarding, the two wed, welcomed their beloved pet Beatrice (“Bean”), and topped it off with their baby girl Josephine (“Josie”). After a long stint in New York City, the family is excited to be approaching their first full year on Welsh Road, with this celebratory article greeting them after one full trip around the sun here in Essex Fells.
As we welcome them into their first year, it is important to ask, how in fact did they get here? While both Rian and Schuyler loved the fast-paced New York lifestyle, the new additions between Josie and Bean made it apparent they were outgrowing their downtown apartment. They joke that there was “never a dull moment” during their first few months after Josie was born and while uncomfortable and stressful at times, they would not trade it for the world. Together with newborn baby Josie and the affectionate Bean, their one-bedroom apartment started to feel like a camping exercise as they slept ready to change and feed Josie, and of course find the time to walk the dog. Soon, a suburban search kicked off for where they could comfortably continue their story. 
Looking at towns everywhere from Bucks County to West Chester, NY, nothing seemed to resonate. After connecting with Essex Fells lifer, Thomas Doelp, Schuyler recalled fond memories of visiting Essex Fells as a teenager. This meant skating on the pond and adventuring through the town to hang out with other friends they shared from spending summers in Bay Head, NJ. In January of 2023 the Rookes bought their house on Welsh Road and by April they had moved in ready to create new memories as a family. Thomas Doelp is still awaiting his referral fee.
After months of hard work their house is still a work-in-progress. While acclimating can be exhausting, they have had so much fun each step of the way. “It’s rare when you can find a town where the residents are so amicable and excited to welcome new families, even if you are an Eagles fan,” says Schuyler. As Rian embarked on a new chapter meeting new people and places living more than 2,500 miles away as a child, the town immediately made her feel at home. 
With a year under their belt here in town, the Rookes pondered over what they could give back to the community to show their gratitude. Over the holidays the Rookes got involved with local animal shelter, Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter (MPAS) in East Hanover. The efforts of the people working hard to better the lives of lost or homeless animals were something they hoped to augment. As Bean advocated strongly to help fellow animals in need, Schuyler and Rian created an event for this Spring to help with the Shelter’s fundraising efforts. While they are putting in countless hours to ensure its success, the event is scheduled at Essex Fells Country Club on May 13th, open to the public. While only time will tell if the event will be a huge success, the Rookes plan to use the event as a way to connect with new members of the community to move the needle on an initiative they both are fully vested in. Together with the fantastic staff of the Shelter they came up with the first annual “Rosebud” Golf Outing honoring one of the veteran dogs that spent most of her life at MPAS.  It is important to note, the lovely Rosebud dog was coincidentally adopted shortly after they rolled out the logo for the much-anticipated event named in her honor.
Schuyler, Rian, Josie and Beatrice are enjoying each day here in town. The Rookes realize that time goes by fast and being the new family in Essex Fells will soon lead to a longer tenure in this great town. In a way, they view their first twelve-month experience as a responsibility to incoming families after them, hoping to make the town as much of a gem to them as it has been to them.
Please join the Rokes ss they take strides in moving the Shelter one step further in its development for providing exceptional care for animals in need à