Meet Bentley!

Family Member Names:  Anne Marie and Dino Gaglioti
 Pet’s Name:  Bentley
Type of Animal/Breed:   Jack Russell Terrier
Male or Female:   Male
Pet’s Age:   Approx. 3 years
Where/why did you get your pet?   See Spot Rescued, Jersey City, NJ – January 15, 2022.   A home is not a home without pets.  He keeps it interesting and fun every day and the love he gives to us is priceless.  We also believe in rescue organizations, for there are so many great animals in need of loving homes.
Is there a story behind its name? No, just a fan of British names.   One look at his face and I knew he was a Bentley!
Anything special or unusual about them (talents/quirks)?   Aside from being very smart, Bentley loves to squeak his Lambchop toy. Some mornings it squeaks so much that he howls.   Also, he will interrupt a move by rolling over on his belly and twisting into a pretzel. This means “belly rub” time and lots of it.  If you take your hand away, he will paw at you to keep rubbing or petting him and will continue as long as you allow.
What do you like best about your pet?  His lovable personality first and foremost.  Although he does keep it interesting at times he loves to play and cuddle equally.  He will smother you with kisses if you allow.   He also the smartest Jack Russell we have had over the years.
Any funny stories?  Bentley loves to sit on top of the sofa in the conservatory and window watch. He barks at his neighborhood canine buddies, especially the deer, and the passing neighbors that wave hello to him.  
How spoiled is your pet?  Very!  Bentley has two of his favorite toys.  Since he is a youngster, he does destroy his toys at times, so I always have backups.
What else should we know about your pet and/or how your pet has enriched your home/family?  We have given Bentley the best of everything we can but what Bentley gives to us in return cannot compare.  He is a great addition to our family and our neighborhood.