Its Harvest Season
by Resident Contributor Travis Foti

1. How was your season Harvest so far?
So far the overall harvest has been amazing! 25 lbs of potatoes and 10 lbs of onions which are now in the curing stage for fall and winter storage. Tons of different tomatoes, Cucumbers for pickles and peppers. Herbs will continue to grow throughout the fall and then I will be able to dry.
2. What did you learn from this year's growing season?
I learned this year to be more patient and not rush. Great things come to those who don't take shortcuts. Enjoy the journey.
3. Did you grow anything new this year and how did it do?
The new things I grew this year would be the Old German tomato. An heirloom that's low in acid and big in taste. Boston pickling Cucumbers grew huge this year, more than I thought. Made about 10 quarts of pickles. I give credit to the homemade compost that we had going in our backyard.
4. Going into fall are you prepping anything for next year already?
Always be prepping. There are no empty months on the gardener's calendar. Right now I'm beginning to save seeds from everything I've grown so far. It's a fairly simple process and it'll save you time and money. Plus they are great to give to neighbors or as gifts! In January, I'll already be getting my indoor greenhouse ready to go!
5. What do you do with your harvest? Can/ freeze etc
If you're good at canning, you can certainly "can" anything. I dry herbs, cure potatoes and onions, freeze sliced green peppers and make homemade sauce.
6. Why is gardening important to you?
Gardening is a great way to get outside, get sunshine, enjoy nature and create something. It's a great hobby to lose yourself in.