Meet Mayfield Middle School

As our local public school children complete Gates Mills Elementary School, the next stop is the Mayfield Middle School serving 1,000 students in grades six to eight. As we kickoff the 2023-2024 school year, we wanted to share a few ABC-oriented data points on the things to love about our Mayfield Middle School! 
Awards – The Association for Middle School Education identified Mayfield Middle School as a school of distinction – the only Ohio School selected and one of eleven schools across the country receiving this honor in 2023! Additionally, our Principal, Paul Destino was named 2022 Educator of the Year by the Ohio Middle School Association.
Balanced team structure – Students at the middle school are divided into grade-level teams of approximately 100 students. Each team of students attends core classes together, allowing for strong relationships to be built among students and teachers during the school year. There are approximately 26 students in each classroom.   
Challenging curriculum – Mayfield Middle School utilizes a variety of both standardized and informal measures to determine where each student is on the learning spectrum so that true personalization can be met in the curriculum. Students are empowered to oversee their own authentic and engaging education and can participate in numerous elective course options like ceramics, robotics, videography, and podcasting, giving them the opportunity to make connections between their areas of interest and learning in the classroom. Communication goals and opportunities to participate in student led debates, Socratic seminars, and other strategies enable students to be comfortable speaking in public to both their peers and adults.   
Diverse enrollment – Our student body is diverse, with 58% of students identified as White, 21% Black, 8% Asian or Pacific Islander, 7% Hispanic, and 6% Multiracial.
Engaging and exciting clubs to join – Students have the opportunity to expand their horizons by joining social clubs in middle school including Crochet Club, Science Club, Art Club, Harry Potter lunch Bunch, National History Day Club, Homework Club, Photography Club, Power of the Pen, Student Council, Model United Nations, Lego Robotics, Morning Rec Clubs, Library Lunch Bunch and Morning Band Club.
Fun volunteer opportunities – Our students are learning the importance of community service and being good citizens. Mayfield Middle School (MMS) Day of Service is a way to teach our students the importance of giving back to our community and to look for ways to lend a hand to others. In past years, the students at MMS spent half the day raking lawns to help community members, and the other half of the day working on a variety of projects. The projects included, writing letters to soldiers overseas, making treats for dogs and cats in animal shelters, visiting a local nursing home to play games with residents, creating gift bags for kids staying in the hospital and other service-related activities.
Stay tuned for next month’s Stroll to Say Hello to Mayfield High School!