Princess Peach

The Rescue Dog Who Found Her Forever Kingdom

Danny was given the honor of naming his new family member; he was inspired by the Mario Brothers.

Princess Peach, also known affectionately as Peachie Pie or Miss Peach, is the precious pet of Highland Lakes’ Ledger family. 

“You would never know now about the rough start she had in life,” says Lynley Ledger, who received the phone call about 18 months ago that would lead Princess Peach to their home.

In early April of 2023, a friend of a friend called to let Lynley know that she had rescued a dog from Amish Country. The dog, a Red Fawn Boston Terrier with soft brown eyes, was a mill mama who had been taken to the Delaware County Humane Society. The Ledgers went to see her right away. 

“Even though she was so scared, we instantly knew she was the right dog,” says Lynley, and the family agreed to foster her until she was spayed. 

As it turned out, Princess Peach was destined to find her forever home with the Ledgers. “We were the first and only family to meet her,” Lynley shares. A week later, after her surgery, Lynley, her husband Mike, and Danny, their 8-year-old son, officially adopted the rescued pup. 

Danny was given the honor of naming the new family member. Inspired by the Mario Brothers games he often plays on the Nintendo Switch, he first wanted to name her Daisy but decided on Princess Peach instead. After they got her home and bathed her, they noticed a peach-colored patch of fur on her chest, solidifying the fitting name choice.

Rescue dogs take three days to decompress, three weeks to learn their new family’s routine, and three months to completely relax, and Princess Peach followed this “Rule of 3s.” 

“The first time she smiled, she melted our hearts! Her whole face lit up, and she was excited to play with toys,” Lynley shares.  

Now at four years old and approximately 28 pounds, Princess Peach loves to play, and if she sees one of the family’s cars in the driveway, she's ready to go for a ride. She also enjoys finding treats in her puzzle balls and snacking on "cookies" from the Three Dog Bakery.

Due to her early trauma, Princess Peach can be reactive to other dogs, but she is very affectionate with people. She enjoys curling up on the couch with “her boys” and wants to greet and cuddle anyone who comes over. However, as is common for her breed, she has a goofy side and can become quite a clown when “the ‘Boston’ comes out.”

Princess Peach has a funny habit of snorting, snoring, and grunting like a pig! “We aren't sure if she grew up around pigs, but she sure sounds like one,” Lynley quips. “When she's happy, she gives us a snort, which we call the ‘Peachie purr.’ It's quite funny and sweet!”

Over the summer, this sweet pup became Danny’s baseball team's unofficial mascot. The kids would come up and get a “Peachie kiss” before batting at their games. She was a good luck charm for the team and loved the attention!

Since making her home with the Ledgers, Princess Peach has transformed into a completely different dog. She has a new demeanor, and her body has healed and flourished. 

“You would never know she was a rescue unless we told you,” says Lynley. “It’s amazing what love can do.”