HBNA Welcomes Atlanta Arborist and Brookhaven Council Member

Contents of the 1998 Time Capsule were on display at the HBNA Fall General Meeting.
At its Fall General Meeting on Thursday evening October 12, the Historic Brookhaven
Neighborhood Association (HBNA) welcomed David Zaparanick, City of Atlanta arboricultural
manager. Zaparanick discussed three permits for tree removal:
- Dead, dying, or hazardous
- Healthy but need for construction, addition, or renovation
- Landscape
He noted trees located on a resident’s property but in the city’s right of way are not handled by
his office, but instead by the Parks & Recreation department. Homeowners must contact this department at parkscustomerservice@atlantaga.gov for tree permits within the right of way.
The arborist department has a dedicated line to call if residents suspect a neighbor is cutting
down trees on a Saturday without a permit. The Code Busters number is 404-330-6178. If the
suspected violation occurs on a Sunday, Zaparanick encouraged neighbors to call 911.
The HBNA also voted in new board members and heard brief updates from committee chairs as well as City of Brookhaven District 3 Council Representative Madeline Simmons. The contents of the neighborhood time capsule were on display. The meeting took place at St. Martin’s Episcopal School and included heavy appetizers by C. Parks Catering and an open bar.