Meet Mitchell Simmons: One “Wild and Crazy Guy”

Mitchell sleeping with his sister Penny (now Rosie)

When resident Claire Simmons saw a note on nextdoor requesting a foster home for four terrier-Chihuahua mix puppies and their mother, she knew she had to fill the request and become their foster mom. The canine family came to live with her in February and for weeks she cared for them, meeting their every need. One of those puppies was Mitchell. He captured her heart. When the foster period was over, Claire adopted Mitchell and made him her own.
The puppies were only weeks old when they arrived at Claire’s East Brookhaven Drive home but she was ready. She still had toys and other dog items from her last dog Molly, who passed away at age 12 in February 2023.
Plus, this was not the first group of puppies she had fostered. Years ago, Claire rescued two three-day-old puppies who had lost their mother. She raised them both to be healthy, happy dogs that lived for more than 14 years.
Shortly after the new brood arrived at Claire’s house, she said you could tell Mitchell was the leader of the pack. “If he saw something interesting and went to investigate it, the other three puppies would follow,” she notes.
He was also mischievous. “When all the other puppies were asleep, Mitchell always stayed awake a little longer, crawling all over everybody,” she adds. “You could tell that he was planning something to do after nap time.”
Mitchell originally was named Dollar. His mom’s name was Dime, and his siblings were Penny, Nickel, and Cash. Claire renamed them. Penny became Rosie and another pup Blaze. For Mitchell’s name, she says she just looked at his sweet face and knew he had to be called Mitchell.
The pup is now nine months old. At seven months, he already had learned to sit on his haunches for a treat. Claire is working with him on commands and tricks. After working on shaking hands or another trick, Mitchell immediately goes into his sitting position because he knows that will earn him an extra treat. “And he knows it makes me laugh every time,” she says.
Full of energy and enthusiasm, Mitchell loves to jump and run. Claire says he can jump 3 ½ feet high and swears he runs as fast as a greyhound. “Like Steve Martin used to say, ‘he is one wild and crazy guy,’” she notes. Even with all that vigor, he is still a snuggler and  loves to cuddle with her on the sofa.
Claire admits that she has spoiled Mitchell. She created an apartment for him in her master bath shower where he has a large bed, his food and water bowls, and toys.
When Molly died, Claire’s heart was broken. But Mitchell has changed that. “He has brought so much joy, enthusiasm, and love into my life,” she notes. “I don’t know what I would do without him.”