Grateful for Sweater Weather
provided by Sara Mixon

Sara Mixon
Around this time of year, I am always super reflective and filled with gratitude!
I get warm and fuzzy thinking about the life I live. I have been married to an amazing man, Don Aaron for 20 years and am honored to call him my husband. I am also proud to have been with Tootsies for 20 years! It’s been a journey that has brought me many wonderful friends and experiences. I am immensely thankful to our team because as much as we strive to be at the forefront of fashion, we also believe in supporting our community. It's a wonder to be surrounded by like-minded colleagues!
This month will be our 13th Annual Teal To Heal fashion show benefiting GOCA(GA Ovarian cancer Alliance). To show your appreciation, please go to to purchase tickets. This heartwarming event celebrates the survivors of ovarian cancer. It’s a truly memorable evening for an outstanding cause. Bring some tissue or hankies to wipe up a few tears from the personal stories. I promise there will also be applause and plenty of smiles during the fashion show!
After such serious talk...let's get back to fashion! Speaking of warm and fuzzies, sweater weather has arrived. There are darling knits with sweet details as well as plenty of great novelty sweaters. They're the perfect gift for mom, daughter or your bestie if you're pre-holiday shopping. Always a great idea to beat the crowds! Some of my favorites are from 27 Miles, Lou Lou Studio. And of course Vince! It’s the perfect time of year to add a cardigan or oversized sweatshirt in merino or cozy cashmere. We're talking snuggly staples to spruce up your fall wardrobe! Happy sweater shopping!
Sara Wolf Mixon
Personal Stylist and Events Coordinator
Sara Wolf Mixon
Personal Stylist and Events Coordinator