Lisa Wargo

Editor and Content Manager

Lisa Wargo

Welcome to the September issue of Stroll Historic Brookhaven! In addition to being the start of fall, September marks the beginning  of college football season. This issue details fun events for you and your family to attend, and includes a feature where we queried residents about their favorite college football team.
Our cover family the Hooffs are a house divided between the University of Alabama (Megan and son Lassiter) and the University of Georgia (Gene and son Griffith). The Hooffs love to travel outside of the country, with their favorite vacations being to Colombia and Mustique Island. Read on to learn about Gene’s passion for cooking, family pickleball games, and the latest developments in the Historic Brookhaven Neighborhood Association’s film committee that Gene chairs.
Candlewood’s Mega Millions Lotto, aka Millie, is this month’s Precious Pet. The Wurtsbaughs’ black lab hunts waterfowl with Mike and travels with them in their sprinter van.
The annual Street Party will be on Friday night, September 27. In addition to details on this year’s event, we look at the history of the Street Party, including its first year in a neighbor’s backyard. Explore Landmarks with Lisa to learn more.
Brookhaven Drive resident Sarah Cyrus talks to us about her store, Sarah Cyrus Home, and its tenth anniversary. Calvert Lane resident Katherine Fristoe brings us an easy recipe for olive and tomato focaccia.
Read about Trails ATL’s proposal to include Peachtree Dunwoody Road in its District 7 trail plan. The Peachtree Dunwoody trail would be part of a citywide network of roads, greenways, and other paths.
As we look ahead to October, consider joining the Kind30 movement. Kind30 is an initiative to spread kindness throughout the month of October through simple gestures – thank your checkout clerk, compliment a friend, open a door for someone, or bring cookies to a neighbor. Learn why churches, companies, and other groups are signing onto this movement.
As fall approaches, I look forward to cheering on my Gators and exploring new recipes, like those Ruth Reichl includes in her many memoirs. I got the chance to meet Ruth at an author event this summer. I love meeting other writers, especially my writing heroes like Ruth.
Tell me about what you love – whether it’s travel, family gatherings, football teams, or something else. Send me an email at

Happy reading!
Lisa Wargo