The Cockapoo Chronicles
We had the pleasure of conversing with the lord of the Cockapoo Zoo, cockapoo Reggie, about himself and his little cockapoo sidekick Palmer.

These guys go by many nicknames, but they are both athletic like their namesakes: Reggie Wayne and Arnold Palmer. Let’s see what Reggie had to say about himself, his brother, his human family, and life in Holliday Farms.
Please introduce yourself to the neighborhood:
My name is Reggie, and I’m 13ish (at my age, it’s hard to remember exact dates). My brother is Palmer, and he’s a baby at nine months. We have lots of nicknames: Regina which leads to Gina or Gene Bean and Palm Palm and Palmie.
What is your favorite toy?
Toys are not really my thing. I would rather watch Palmer play with his rope, tennis ball, or anything with stuffing. He's starting to do this annoying thing of pulling the stuffing out of all his toys, and I have noticed our mom having to pick up a lot of stuffing lately. Sheesh, kids!
What is your favorite treat?
Bacon?! Did you say bacon?! Palmer and I love anything bacon flavored because bacon is the best. Did I mention that we like bacon?
Do you have any specific talents/tricks?
I am an excellent fetcher, and I am training Palmer to follow in my paw prints. Unfortunately for our humans, we also like to hide things. Socks and toys are our favorite things to hide and/or bury in the furniture. We like to think of it as a little game we play with them to see how quickly they can find the lost objects. We love it; not so sure if they love it.
Do you have your own bed?
Yes. The humans graciously bought us a king-sized human bed. It is soft and comfortable, and they put it in the biggest bedroom of the house. The only frustrating thing is that they insist on sleeping in it as well. Get your own bed!
Are you an angel or a bit of a troublemaker?
Our family does not refer to us as the “Cockapoo Zoo” for nothing! We get the zoomies and that is when the zoo is in full swing! We love to run around the house chasing each other, and we don’t watch for who might be in our way.
Tell us the story of the day you met your human family.
Settle in...this is a good one. I was living on the streets on the west side of Indianapolis for who knows how long. Long enough to be very underweight with matted fur. One day I spotted a bunch of kids entering a building. I later learned it was the school where my human mom teaches. I ran in with the kids because it seemed like a safe space and the kids looked fun. Lucky for me, I ran right into my mom’s 2nd grade classroom! Ours was not love at first sight, because even though I am a sweetie she seemed to be protecting the kids at the desks in case I might bite or have fleas (which I do not and did not, thank you very much). Anyway, she and her family had been looking for a dog to have around at their house, so after checking whether I had something called a chip (I didn’t) and getting me several shots to make sure I was healthy, I got to go to my new home. They fed me lots of yummy food and treats and got my matted fur groomed. I was a whole new man! What a lucky day for me, even though my humans always say it was a lucky day for them!
As for Palmer - remember that place they talked about in the last Stroll Holliday Farms edition? The Love Pet Project? That’s where he came from! In June, my humans decided I needed a friend around the house that was my size. They’d been looking at the Love Pet Project’s website for the perfect friend for me. When Palmer’s picture popped up, they said they had to go meet him. It was love at first sight for my humans and Palmer. He came home and we became fast friends.
What do you love most about your humans?
The thing about the humans who live with us is that they love to rescue pups. We both had a rocky start, but with love and care we knew that they were our furever home. Our mom says that each of the pets that come into their lives have been by divine intervention. So, I guess you could say that us coming to live with the Hine Family was meant to be.