Jimbo's Tales: From Creek Escapes to Beach Walks

Tommy Teays: Hi, Jimbo! Thanks for taking the time to chat with me today. How are you doing?
Jimbo: Oh, Tommy, it's a pleasure! I'm doing fantastic, just enjoyed a nice stroll around the neighborhood. How about you?

Tommy Teays: I'm great, thanks! So, Jimbo, your family got you in February of 2019. What was it like joining the Berner family?
Jimbo: It was love at first sight,  Tommy. They found me through a Havashu breeder after falling in love with Craig's Aunt Jill's Havashu, Pumpkin. I must say, I've fit right in. Craig, Amy, Brett, and Leah are my best friends.

Tommy Teays: That sounds wonderful! I heard there's an interesting story behind your name. Care to share?
Jimbo: Craig and Brett are die-hard University of Michigan fans. They named me after the legendary coaches Jim Harbaugh and Bo Schembechler. So, you could say I have some pretty big paws to fill!

Tommy Teays: That's quite the legacy! Now, I've heard you have a couple of unique quirks. Can you tell us about them?
Jimbo: Oh, my snaggletooth? It’s my signature look. And when I get a little annoyed or just need some attention, I sneeze. Works like a charm every time!

Tommy Teays: I bet it does! What's your favorite thing to do with your family?
Jimbo: Traveling, for sure. I love going to the beach, riding in the golf cart, and taking long walks on the sand.

Tommy Teays: Any funny stories you'd like to share?
Jimbo: Well, there was this one time I decided to make a grand escape through the back door. Took a little run in the creek.  I just needed a little adventure.

Tommy Teays: Oh, Jimbo, you are quite the character! How spoiled are you?
Jimbo: Very! I love car rides and get pretty bummed when someone leaves without me. I mean, who wouldn’t want to take this adorable face everywhere they go?

Tommy Teays: You are indeed adorable. How has having you around enriched the Berner family's life?
Jimbo: Craig and Amy never had dogs growing up, so I’ve brought a whole new level of joy into their lives. They can't imagine life without my smiling face and warm cuddles.

Tommy Teays: That’s beautiful, Jimbo. You’ve certainly made a big impact on their lives. Thanks for sharing your story with us today!
Jimbo: Anytime, Tommy! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think someone is about to go for a ride and they ain't going without me!