Kyliana + Kate's Sweet Treats
with Kyliana Mattingly and Kate Mattingly

Kyliana (8) and Kate (9) Mattingly are cousins who love to make sweet treats! Whether they are making paintable editable sugar cookies, chocolate-covered pretzels, or cotton candy, there isn't a sweet that they don't love. The girls had painted cookies before and loved it so much that they talked to their moms to see if they could make the painted cookies themselves. With their moms’ support, this January they decided to make their sweet treats business.
"Thankfully my mom, Ashley, is the best baker around and my Aunt Iris loves to cut and design cookies. We have been learning a lot from them,” Kate told us. Kyliana says, "Spending this extra time with family and having fun along the way has been the best part. Ok...and maybe sneaking in a bite or two!" The girls get together a few times a week to work on orders and they love it! They have sports-oriented families so even though they are always on the go to different ball games or competitions, they always find time to come together to bake and think about their next designs.
A great thing about the paintable cookies is that they are such a fun activity and then you get to EAT IT! It just doesn't get much better than that. Kyliana + Kate's Sweet Treats can make custom cookies with lots of different designs on them including holiday themes, specific events, or themed parties. Kyliana and Kate are so excited to share what they love to do with the neighborhood that they will even be at the Lake Forest Spring Festival held at the Lodge on May 11th from 4-8pm. They hope you will come and see them!
Kyliana and Kate are little entrepreneurs who care. A percentage of their proceeds go towards Kids Cancer Alliance (KCA), a non-profit that is very close to them. Kids Cancer Alliance offers a variety of activities and support programs year-round for children with cancer. They are dedicated to providing once-in-a-lifetime experiences where children with cancer and their families can grow, learn, build friendships, and most importantly, have FUN just being kids! As a non-profit organization, KCA relies entirely on donations and volunteers to keep their programs free for every kid, sibling, and family. The vision of Kids Cancer Alliance is that every child and family impacted by childhood cancer in the region is empowered, supported, and hopeful.
Kyliana and Kate have both only known Lake Forest as home. It’s fun having cousins in the neighborhood! They have the support of their parents, Iris and Dane, and Ashley and Nick. Kate’s brothers, Jack and Ryan, also enjoy this new adventure. The cousins also have dogs Skye and Rosie who happen to be sisters! The girls like being on the swim team and “attending all the events my mom Iris plans!” Kyliana says.
Place your order with Kyliana + Kate’s Sweet Treats: Text (502) 851-7866.
Follow them on Instagram: @Kyliana.Kate.
Learn more about Kids Cancer Alliance: