River Pig Saloon: A Greenville Gathering with Grub, Games, and Good Times!
That name may say it all,
Bison burgers, anything but small.
Gathered around brewed beverages, cold and tall,
Trivia starts at 7, I know just the friends to call.
The newest addition on lively lowest Greenville,
An easy stop-by, with lots of heart and less frills.
Tacos, pizzas, and burgers from the grill,
The southern in me’s pick is the deep-fried pickles.
You may be thinking, what’s so special about that,
Except it’s in our neck of the woods, right on our track.
Sure, you may want to take a lap,
but we think you may end up circling right on back…
So this week, that’s our tune,
See you at River Pig Saloon!
Next time, on the patio one sunny Saturday,
starting in the afternoon.