From Halloween to Christmas!!

As I write this was a very Happy Halloween! I loved seeing all you trick-or-treaters in Moore’s Ferry. We loved seeing all the costumes and candy because this was our family’s first Halloween in Moore’s Ferry. So, we really had the Halloween spirit with everyone. I hope you all loved your candy, and a happy Halloween for everyone.
What was your favorite thing about Halloween? Was it the candy or the costumes? I hope you all had a fun Halloween. I liked seeing neighbors dressed up to hand out candy.
As I write this, it is early November, and we're already feeling the Christmas spirit! I love seeing the decorations up around the neighborhood already and all over Hickory! There will be so many Christmas lights up for the Christmas Parade and downtown tree lighting!
My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with my family. I like seeing everyone enjoy their presents and having fun, especially if there is snow! Is anyone else crossing their fingers for snow? I hope you all have a jolly Christmas. So, wake up on Christmas morning and look outside to see what you see. What presents do you think you want? I hope you're already feeling the Christmas spirit. I hope you all have a good Christmas!!