Lake Hickory Wine Society

Lake Hickory Wine Society joyfully finished its 2023 year with a fantastic wine and dinner pairing held at Lake Hickory Country Club. The food and wines were sensational. We had approximately 50 people in attendance.
We kick off the New Year 2024 with our co-chairs Carolyn Hightower and Betsy Evans holding January event featuring bubbles. If interested in attending or becoming a member, you may reach out to Cathie Lane at 828-244-1715 or join via the website:
As a member of our local wine society chapter, you will have access to our educational sessions. Following our Covid years and many being home bound, David and Lorissa Vines, previous co-chairs kicked off "Wine 30" through zoom sessions that could be viewed on phones or streamed to TVs or seen on computers. This is a 30 minute presentation enjoyed from the comfort of your home, or now small gathering of friends at someone's home, for a wine education session. Currently Dave Stocker researches the wine to be presented, prepares and presents the education session. We purchase the bottle of wine from local companies or restaurants or wine shops, supporting local business. You'll be amazed at what you can find for less than $30 per bottle and fortunately Hickory offers access to some very fine wines.