Phamous Michaux

Baby Phamous (June 2022)

This month, we are excited to pheature a phunny, phantastic puppy that is part of the Michaux household.  Let's let Phyllis Michaux tell us some stories and phacts about her dog, Phamous!

Phamous is what we call a Summa Dog—some of this and some of that. Not too long after my mother passed away, my daughter Tysia gave me Phamous as a birthday gift, and she has always tried to do things for me to cheer me up.

I have always been told that someone in my family will be famous. I dreamed it would be me; in fact, I was called "Hollywood" in my younger years. Since I have yet to become famous, her name reminds me to keep striving for greatness!

Phamous does not meet strangers; she loves everyone. Unfortunately, once, she was picked up by someone and labeled a "Missing Puppy." Thanks to the Moore's Ferry Facebook Page, she was returned home safely.

Her best attribute is her ability to stand for long periods on her hind legs. The funniest thing about Phamous is that she does not like the rain. We purchased a puppy raincoat for her, but she will not step outside when it's raining.

I love how Phamous is a tiny giant. She is small in stature, but she is a huge protector. Phamous has a best cousin named Venus (my daughter's pup). When she visits their favorite game is, "sniffles." They don't play, just smell each other and depart. Phamous receives exactly what she gives, lots of love. In exchange, she is rewarded with plenty of treats!