Through Trevor’s Lens
A Story of Family, Ambition, and Art

What inspired you to start your own business?
My yearbook teacher in middle school taught me how to use a camera.
Can you describe your business in a few sentences?
I am a young photographer who specializes in sports, events, and portraits. I am based in Louisville, Kentucky. I use the name “Tgilly” in honor of my older brother Jordan, who was known as “Gilly” to his friends.
What personal values or beliefs have influenced your entrepreneurial journey?
I believe in working hard to the best of my ability because effort will get you further than not trying and taking the easy way out.
What were the biggest challenges you faced when starting your business?
I have struggled with balancing school and other work on top of photography.
Can you share a moment when you felt particularly proud or fulfilled as an entrepreneur?
One thing that makes me feel fulfilled is seeing people repost my photos or use photos I’ve taken for them as their profile pictures on social media.
What personal habits or routines have you developed to stay productive and motivated?
One thing that helps me do my best is setting a specific time or amount of time for me to stop working and take a break or go to sleep to prevent me from losing sleep or burning out.
Who has been your biggest supporter or mentor in your entrepreneurial journey, and how have they helped you?
My whole family has been very supportive, especially my parents and my brother. My mom has helped me with getting connections through people she knows. My dad has also been there to take me to and from sporting events.
What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?
I would say always take a break from work because not finishing right away is not the end of the world.
Anything else that we should know?
I have worked at Karems Grill and Pub for over 2 years and love it. They have all been very supportive through everything I’ve been through in the time I’ve known them.