Soccer Dreams and Math Magic

Meet Cash, the Future Soccer Star and Math Whiz!

Age: 6
Siblings' names: Cooper 8 and Christian 20

My Favorite activities:
My favorite things are math, soccer, basketball, and telling jokes.  I am also learning Spanish this summer and I love to go down the slide at the Grove. The last thing that I love to do in Norton Commons is play with my friends at Food Truck Friday.  We love to get treats and play football all night.

When I grow up I want to be and why:
I want to be a professional soccer player or something with math.  I love playing soccer for SMA and Mockingbird.  If that doesn't work out, math will be my backup.

Tell us your favorite things:
Animal: Dog from Camp Hi Ho named Leia
Toy: My iPad I just bought. I saved money for two years
Color: Blue!  Go UK Wildcats!
Food: Sweet treats and nuggets
Movie: I don't have one, I like watching Mr. Beast
Music: My playlist on Spotify that I made
Place to play: The Grove
Sport to play: Soccer
Sports Team: UK Wildcats, Cincinnati Bengals, and Ole Miss
Subject in School: Math and Technology
TV Show: Mr. Beast

If you had a superpower what would it be? 
Unlimited Soccer Goals

Something unique about me:
I love making friends and putting a smile on people's faces. You can always find me talking to young or old neighbors in Norton Commons.  I love to laugh and meet new people.