A Big Heart and Quiet Strength
Meet Cynthia Pletcher

How old are you? 76
How long have you lived in the neighborhood?
Cynthia moved to Hallmark House one year ago...in December 2023.
Can you share a memorable experience or story from your life?
Cynthia went on a trip to Honduras in 1996 to join her daughter and future son-in-law while they were doing mission work there. She had never been out of the country before. Cynthia spent a week in the country hiking, learning about the culture, and helping her daughter in their mission work. Cynthia loved her time there and the new experience that it brought her. She has always carried very fond memories of that trip in her heart.
Are there any particular accomplishments or achievements that you are proud of?
Cynthia says, without a doubt, she is most proud of her family...her daughters and grandchildren. Cynthia has two daughters, four grandchildren, and one great-grandchild on the way. Cynthia loves spending time with her family and has always enjoyed being a part of her grandchildren's lives and extra-curricular activities. Cynthia also had two sisters.
Are there any life lessons or values that you would like to pass on to future generations?
Make God a priority in all areas of your life. Attending church and her faith has been an instrumental part of Cynthia's life. She also has always instilled the importance of hard work, spending wisely, and doing whatever you need to do to sacrifice for your family.
How do you stay mentally and physically active?
When Cynthia was younger, she would run every morning. As she got older, she walked regularly. She has also used yard work as a way to stay active both physically and mentally throughout her life.
Can you share a personal philosophy or motto that guides your life?
Trust God in all of life's circumstances. Cynthia has learned through some of her own life struggles that "all things are possible with God."
When Cynthia was younger, she always loved cooking and baking for her family. She has always loved shopping and going out to eat and has always had a great love for dogs. Yardwork has been something that has remained a true love for Cynthia. Still to this day, at age 76, Cynthia loves going on walks with her daughter in the Norton Commons neighborhood. She loves being outside and commenting on all the landscaping and flowers. She has enjoyed calling Hallmark House and Norton Commons home.
Is there anything else that you would like to share?
Cynthia's daughters say that the one word that comes to mind when they think of their mom is "support." She has always been there to listen to her daughters when they just needed to talk or to check in on them when she knew things were going on in their lives. Cynthia is tall in stature and quiet in personality, but when it comes to her family...they would all agree that her heart is BIG!