Super Jude

A Heart of Laughter, Courage, and Joy

What's the baby's full name? Why did you choose this name?
Jude Madison Howell- family name after deceased grandpa

What is your Little Stroller's favorite lullaby or song?
Ba ba black sheep

How would you describe your Little Stroller's personality in one word?

Does your Little Stroller have a nickname?
Super Jude

Do you want to share any sweet or funny anecdotes from the first days at home with the new arrival?
Super Jude was born with a single ventricle heart and was a true warrior from day one. Within his first 6 months of life, he underwent 2 successful heart surgeries. If you met Jude today, you would never believe this kid has gone through the things he has! He is silly, curious, and the happiest boy we know! His special heart has never slowed him down!

Did you receive, or already have, any special baby keepsakes or gifts with sentimental value or a special story behind them?
Jude has a superhero cape that another heart momma made for him; it says “Super Jude”. One day when he’s bigger I’m sure he will wear his cape with pride. He is scheduled to have his 3rd and hopefully final heart surgery next summer. Mom and Dad are waiting anxiously.

Is there anything else that you would like to share?
Jude is truly the sweetest big brother! He loves to help out with his 9-month-old brother and has no problem sharing. He loves to swim and play anywhere outside! He talks non-stop and keeps his family laughing!