Old Westbury

Delivering neighborhood connections to your mailbox every month.

Welcome! Let’s get to know our neighbors.

We know genuine connections with neighbors next door and business owners down the street make for a more meaningful experience. And we believe getting to know people in our community should be simple. That’s why Stroll meets you where you’re at – your mailbox.

We are grateful to serve this amazing community.

Every month, we share stories from and about different residents within our neighborhood.

See below for a few of our recent favorites.

HERitage Keepers

The Women Leading the Preservation of the Phipps's Iconic Family Home and Gardens

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Spreading the Love

Old Westbury resident Geralda Sarraf is empowering local youth to join in her heartfelt mission of providing the life-giving gift of water

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Growing Together: Inside the Friends of Old Westbury Beautification Group

Creating a more beautiful Old Westbury through diligent planting, pruning, and enhancement of our shared spaces.

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Advertising Partners

Stroll is made possible by the great local businesses who support this magazine. If you’re ever in need, please keep them in mind!

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Meet Your Publisher

Jeanne Petti

Jeanne Petti

As the Owner/Publisher of Stroll Old Westbury, Jeanne Petti works closely with her neighbors to help tell their stories in the monthly publication exclusive to Village homeowners. Her background in media and advertising enables her to help connect these residents with relevant local businesses and the goods and services they provide.

To contribute your story to the magazine of for more information about advertising opportunities, please feel free to reach out at any time.

a magazine printer

About Stroll

A woman and a man outdoors sitting in the park and reading a magazine

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