Meet Luna

We are so thankful for our sweet girl Luna. Luna is an English Cream Golden Retriever. She just turned 4 years old in April, and she brings so much joy and personality to our family. My husband Zack, myself, and our 14 month old son named Asher absolutely adore her. Zack and I got Luna back in 2020, when she was just 8 weeks old. At the time our son was not born yet, and Zack and I have always shared  a mutual love of dogs. We always knew we wanted one, and when I started working at home in 2020 due to the pandemic, the time felt right to find the perfect pup! We knew Luna was the one right when we met her. We named her Luna because she is big and white like the moon!  

One of our favorite things about Luna is her sweet, affectionate personality. She is always overjoyed to see us and greet us—even if we just leave the room for 5 minutes! She has also proven to be super loving with our son, and lets him climb, pet, and put toys and puzzle pieces all over her.  She loves to be around him, and spend time with her family. You can find Luna wherever there is food and treats...and ever since Asher started eating solids, you can find her right next to his high chair waiting for him to drop his spoon or some scraps. 

Luna definitely appreciates her routines. One of her quirks is that when we go on walks, she does not like to stray from the normal course and go in an atypical direction. She certainly knows where she wants to go and can be stubborn in that way and refuse to move.  She also is notorious for getting into the mud!

Luna has enriched our lives in so many ways. She is truly a family member, and extremely loved by us, and our extended family. She is even a mascot for our family-owned business Trim-A-Seal Home Improvements!