Bee Well Collective

The Andrews Family at their family home in Beaufort, South Carolina.

My name is Danyelle Andrews and I am the owner and founder of Bee Well
Collective. I have been a Doctor of Physical Therapy for 14 years and have been on a
journey for the past 2 years to find my way back to the preventative healthcare model that
first excited me about becoming a physical therapist. In the past 2 years, I became a
Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach, a Certified Lifestyle Medicine
Professional, and founded Bee Well Collective. My passion is to help people get
control of their health and well-being through the power of motivational
interviewing and coaching. We have so much more control over our well-being than
people realize- when it comes to chronic disease, genetics play approximately a 20-
25% role- but lifestyle choices make up the rest. Physical Therapy allows us to help
treat an injury or deficit and get you back to ‘baseline’ function. Coaching and
Lifestyle Medicine can let you THRIVE- to get you beyond ‘baseline’ and truly in control of your health, wellness, and happiness.

How/why did you start your business?
Bee Well Collective was founded with the hope of bridging the gap between illness
and wellness that exists in our healthcare system today by empowering clients to take
a preventive and individualized approach to their health. We opened in the start of
2023 and currently offer mobile physical therapy (we treat you in the comfort of your
own home), on-site physical therapy, virtual or in-person Health & Wellness Coaching
Memberships, and in-person Wellness & Fitness Memberships (which is a
combination of coaching and personalized fitness instruction). We offer
complimentary consultations to help you find the best fit for your personal needs and

What do you like most about being a health & wellness coach?
I love that I can meet a client where they are at in their wellness journey. There is no
‘cookie cutter approach’ or ‘one-size-fits-all’- Health and Wellness Coaching is all
about providing a client with the accountability, motivation, support and resources
needed to make their own changes. Each of my clients are the driver in their own
journey- I just get the privilege of riding along side and guiding the journey.

What is unique about your business (what sets you apart from the rest)?
Bee Well Collective is committed to ‘big picture wellness’. This means that we know
health is more than ‘just exercise’ or ‘just nutrition’- it has to factor in all aspects of
our wellness, and it has to be individualized. We meet clients where they are at, and
we help them to set their own goals- goals that align with their values, strengths, and
phase of life. We believe in the power of coaching to help clients get control of their
own wellbeing.

Where do you see your field in 10 years?
I believe that Lifestyle Medicine and preventative health & wellness coaching will
truly be the healthcare system of our future. As the fields further develop and more
people become aware of the power we have over our health and wellbeing through
preventative lifestyle changes, I imagine every person having a health & wellness
coach. I am excited to be on the forefront of what is to come in this field.

Given your business expertise, what advice (whether general or specific) can you
offer to residents?
Preventative Healthcare is the way of the future. We have control over a lot more
aspects of our wellness than many people realize, and by deep diving into the different
pillars of our holistic wellbeing we are able to truly live our best lives. While this can
sometimes feel overwhelming, a Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach is able to
help you on this journey.

What types of outreach/volunteer work do you do, if any?
I am a board member of the Lemont Junior Woman’s Club, a board member of the
non-profit Pregnancy After Loss Support, and I run my daughter’s Girl Scout Troop! I
also run the Lemont Walking Club which meets weekly on Mondays at 9:30am to
check out different walking trails in the area. I believe it is important to be a part of
your community and to give back in meaningful ways. Each of these organizations
hold an important place in my heart and I am honored to be a part of each of them.

What else we should know about you, your family, or your business?
My family and I can be found all around town- we are active in Girl Scouts, Boy
Scouts, swim team, Lemont Walking Club, and can be found walking, biking or
rollerblading around town.

Bee Well Collective
1011 State Street Unit 220
Lemont, IL 60439