Meet Jax, Decker & Mack!

Introduce Your Family!
Mom & Dad - Alec & Hannah William
The Gang -  Jax (5), Decker(3) and Mack (9 months)

How long has your family lived in RiverTown? What do you like most about living here?
Almost 2 years! We love everything! The community, the amenities, the fun trails, the fact that we’ll have a school, all the friends we’ve made and so much more! 

We love your kids names - How did you choose them?  
Jax Vincent: because we met in Jacksonville and decided we loved the name Jax! And Vincent is Alec’s middle and and his grandfathers name!

Decker Steven: We love unique and fun names so Decker was one we haven’t heard many times and Steven is my dad’s name! 

Mack Bennett: Mack because we love Mack Trucks and also a very unique name and Bennett is my brothers middle name and my grandfathers name.

Tell us about arriving home with your babies...
Every bring home was so different! But we were always surrounded by family, the babies siblings, food and a lot of quiet and recovery time! Those first couple weeks are always hard but so rewarding! 

How did Jax & Decker react when you had Mack?
Jax is the sweet, sensitive brother but loves the little boys and is such a great helper! Decker didn’t care at all about Mack LOL. He started warming up once he realized he wasn't leaving and once Mack became more of a “person” 

Did you receive, or already have, any specific baby keepsakes or gifts with sentimental value or a special story behind them?
I keep everything! I will forever be that mom who keeps all their kids “first” but what’s so special about having all boys is that the first toy or blanket or outfit that he had we’ve been passing down to Decker and to Mack! So it’s always so fun to see what they all looked like at that stage or that age with that outfit on! 

Since we had Mack while living in Rivertown we've had so many people help and be so gracious during our postpartum stage!