AKA Charles In Charge

How long has your family lived in the neighborhood? What do you like most about living here?
We moved here in August of 2023 and LOVE it! The warm weather, our nice neighbors and the laid back Florida vibe have made it easy - what's not to love?!?!

What's your pet's name, age, sex, and breed / type?
Charlie is a yellow lab. He just turned 8 years old and even at 75 lbs he thinks he's a lap dog!

When and how did your pet come to join your family?
We got Charlie in the spring of 2016. We FaceTimed my older sister who was away at college and between the 4 of us we picked him out of the litter. He was the "runt" of the crew!

Is there a story behind your pet’s name? How did you and your family come up with it?
No story - honestly my sister threw the name out and it stuck! He is also known as Chuck, Charles in Charge, and Frog Eyes because his eyes bulge out like a frog!

Does your pet have any unique talents or tricks?
He's a hugger! He loves to rub his head on your legs whenever someone enters the room It's kinda cute-unless you are wearing black pants!

Where does your pet love to hang out in the neighborhood? 
Charlie likes explore the neighborhood. Sometimes he runs ahead when on walks to check out the lake area.

Who are your pet's favorite playmates in the neighborhood?
 He LOVES to play with our other dog - Daisy!

Are there any local businesses or parks your pet particularly enjoys visiting?
He loves to go to boarding! When he sees the leash and the car keys he knows where he is going and jumps like a kangaroo holding his leash in his mouth-it's hilarious!