Getting to know Chris Yacoub from Unison Bank
From Midwest Roots to Arizona Living, Chris Shares His Journey, Passion for People, and Commitment to Building Lasting Relationships

Photo by Genevieve Elaine Photography
Where did you grow up? How long have you lived in the area? Tell us about your family
My father immigrated to the US from Palestine. My mother came by way of Germany. Both of my parents had their own incredibly difficult upbringings but came to America in search of something greater. They met in Chicago in 1975 and the rest is history. Being a first-generation American and growing up in a family of blended cultures certainly provided a unique upbringing, one I’d love to share over a cup of coffee with you.
I was born in Chicago but grew up in a small town in central Illinois; a place called Champaign. A lot of us now-Phoenicians are from the Midwest, so you may have heard of it, but its major claim to fame is the University of Illinois. Big Ten country. And like every local kid, I chose to not go to the local school (spoiler alert). I’m an ASU alum!
Ultimately, through a long journey, my wife and I ended up in Arizona in August of 2021. This past May, we moved into our new home in Queen Creek and absolutely love the southwest corridor of the valley. They say home is where the heart is, and a part of this tight-knit community sure makes this feel like the right place.
Tell us about the events that led up to where you are now.
I am a big believer in everything happening for a reason. When we take a step back and look at how we got where we are, we often see pieces that stitch the “why” together. My journey is no exception.
Growing up, my father was an entrepreneur. He owned and operated various restaurants, bars, and even a dance club in Chicago named “The Sheikh” during his life. My mother had a much more difficult job, by far, as a stay-at-home mother. I mean, she had to raise me. Yikes!
Having two role models that demonstrated hard work, determination, and resiliency built a solid foundation for my path forward. I learned at an early age that adversity always exists, but understanding why it exists allows you to foster a holistic resolution, rather than simply devising a plan to scoot around it or sweep it under the rug. I learned that no one could do everything on their own, and that needing help was not a weakness, but rather a tool to create more complete collaborative solutions. My father’s business ventures gave me great insight into this, and I started my career in sales because I saw the value his business partners brought to our family.
Now, there is not much glory in selling televisions and home audio equipment at Circuit City. However, it gave me my first taste of helping people solve problems. Granted, these were certainly problems of luxury, but being able to identify why they wanted to upgrade their equipment, what was their driving force, and being able to create that perfectly tailored solution was enthralling. Knowing that I made a dream a reality, knowing that I helped them get excited to sit down with their family for movie night, knowing that I helped create these enjoyable memories for them was what drove me. At that point, I knew consultative solutions was a path I had to pursue.
I migrated through to cell phone sales because at that time, the smartphone era had just taken off and it was quite exciting. However, after many holiday seasons of working late night retail hours, I realized that transferrable skills existed and that I wanted an honorable career. I reached out to a good friend who worked for the biggest name in banking and there starts my desired career, on Halloween of 2011. It has been a fun ride ever since.
Banking has taken me all over the country. I have dragged my wife from Illinois, to Las Vegas, to Dallas, to Austin, and now to our home in Queen Creek. Each stop brought their own challenges and rewards, but as I said, everything happens for a reason. Ultimately, that path brought me to find a bank where my moral compass finally points true north.
What is your business, how/why did you start your business?
To me, it is funny to think of banking as a business. Business seems so… transactional. At Unison, we develop solutions for our clients. I’ve built my entire career on fostering relationships, and Unison has built a bank on that same premise since its inception in 1965. It is in that relationship building that long-lasting partnerships are created, and it is those partnerships that create solutions for all involved.
Given your business expertise and the nature of what you do, what advice can you offer to the residents?
Never be afraid to ask questions. There is always more to learn, always more to uncover, and in those answers lies the opportunity to solve the problem. This is very general, because I believe that this applies so unilaterally.
Always try to be someone’s resource. I work in banking. I understand balance sheets and profit and loss statements. I understand loan originations. I can work with you to develop a plan for you to achieve your business’ financial goals.
However, if you ask me to write an insurance policy for a client or to perform a routine teeth cleaning… chances are you are going to be upset with my performance on those items. Now, I do know a couple of great insurance agents and a good family dentist or two… I can certainly get you in contact with them.
Lastly, give endlessly. It is in the giving that generates the greatest return.
What else we should know about you, your family, or your business?
As this has been much about Unison and myself, let’s shift focus to the best part of my life. My wife, Holli, is a Sr. Auditor. We have been together for 17 years, with our 10-year wedding anniversary being this last August, and I look forward to every day forward with her by my side. We love to spend our time traveling, attending concerts and music festivals, and exploring new local restaurants. Experiences are everything to us. The time we spend is made of minutes, but the life we live is made up of moments.
We have a 1-year-old Shih Tzu/Toy Poodle mix named Harper and she is an absolute ball of energy. She may be the most emotive and expressive dog we have ever encountered. I swear she understands English but is frustrated because she cannot speak it!
To contact Unison Bank,
Call, visit them online, or follow on instagram:
1835 E Pecos Road Gilbert, AZ 85295
(480) 497-9800