“The Past Is Here” A monthly column from the Skaneateles Historical Society

Concerned that, “No one will know who was here, or what they did,” in December of 1934 a group of approximately 60 Skaneateles citizens formed the first Skaneateles  Historical Society. They drew up a set of by-laws as guidelines for governing the group and set the dues at 50 cents per year. 
This group, many of them direct descendants of the pioneer settlers, set about preserving the history of the town and its people. But interest waned and membership declined. The group disbanded about 1940, just as World War II was getting underway.  However concerned citizens continued to collect artifacts and archival materials on  Skaneateles history. Then, in March of 1961, the present Historical Society was organized. In 1968 the Society received its charter under the University of the State of  New York. This granted the society its not-for-profit and tax-free status. In March of  1979, the Skaneateles Town Board, under the leadership of Charles Major, voted to offer the Society the use of several rooms on the second floor of the Town Hall on  Jordan Street. Then in May of 1992, the Skaneateles Historical Society Museum at the  Creamery on Hannum Street opened. The Creamery was originally built in 1899. So, in  2024 the SHS will be celebrating two big anniversaries: the 90th of its origins, and the  125th of the Creamery Building. 
With help from our generous residents, who since 1934 have donated time, talent and funding, the history of our beloved community has been collected, preserved and exhibited. So that future generations can learn about our shared history. Whether someone moved here two weeks ago, two years ago, twenty years ago like my family,  or were born and raised here, they are a part of Skaneateles history. We are all indebted to the concerned citizens of 1934 who had the foresight to know that preserving history is a very important part of being a true community. We look forward to the coming year as we exhibit and share Skaneateles-related artifacts and archival materials, all donated by someone with the foresight to collect them over the past 90  years.  
For more information about the Skaneateles Historical Society, or to make an appointment to visit the shop, research department, or for tours during the winter months, please visit the website or contact the office. 
*with many thanks to Beth Batlle, Town of Skaneateles Historian, for information on the origins of the SHS.