Sassy Warrior Fit

by Camille O'Connor

Camille O'Connor was born in Colorado but lived most of her life in Montana enjoying the country landscape and cowboy lifestyle. 9 years ago, she and her husband moved to Phoenix and haven't looked back.

Attending school for construction and automotive Camille has been involved in active and physical jobs. In her early 20s, she was introduced to weight training and fell in love, as it ignited an inner drive. "I've always had to overcome obstacles mentally and physically," she shares.

Many illnesses run in Camille's family and she grew up with health issues that intensified as she got older. This lead her to nutrition education, as she wanted to take control of what she could, regarding her health. "Through the years as my knowledge and experience increased and I was able to thrive, I knew I wanted to help others do the same. I started Sassy Warrior Fit to help others unlock that inner strength mentally and physically, and fight for the health and life they deserve," she says.

Services Provided:
Nutritional Coaching
Meal plans
Meal prep and shopping tips
Meal timing, macro and calorie guidance
Health Education
Supplement and Hydration Guide

Live Virtual workouts
Personal training in a group setting, makes it more affordable and fun
In-person boot camps
Private sessions available
Video subscription coming this next month

Wellness Coaching
Accountability and Support
Mindset and Habit Training
Consultations and Check-ins
Health Education

What is unique about your business?
I am a Wellness Coach. I take nutrition, movement, mindset, and habits and put it all together to bring about the greatest impact on a person's life. I want them to attain great health inside and out, and KEEP it. Teaching how to work with the body, not against it, so they have the tools to make this a lasting lifestyle.

What is your business philosophy?
Time to thrive, not merely survive.

Given your business expertise and the nature of what you do, what advice can you share?
Acquire skills and relationships that help you institute and maintain healthy habits. Focus on internal health first and the esthetics will follow

Camille O'Connor