Tents to Rents

“We need to support programs like Tents to Rents because they help those who are at a place where they have nothing and no one to help them.”

Your neighbor, Dr. Anne Hubbell, is a professor of Communication, as well as the Associate Dean of the Honors College at New Mexico State University (Go Aggies!) Anne, along with her husband, Max and their two children, love life in Sonoma Ranch. “People are friendly here and support each other,” Anne shares. She deeply appreciates the supportive neighborhood that surrounds her and recognizes the profound blessing it is to have a warm, safe place to sleep each night. Inspired by this gratitude, she chooses to pay it forward by extending support to those who are unhoused. Outside of her work at the university, Anne is an active supporter of the Mesilla Valley Community of Hope (MVCH) through the Tents to Rents program.

“MVCH helps unhoused individuals get off the streets and assists them to get apartments,” says MVCH board member, Miriam Carmichael. Camp Hope is MVCH’s first step in moving people into stable, safe housing. It provides shelters, tents, and essentials for 45 unhoused individuals, including access to showers, laundry and bathrooms. MVCH  believes in a "hand-up" approach and provides the housing and tools necessary for unhoused people to regain stability. A major component of helping unhoused folks getting back on their feet is addressing the obstacles that they face that contribute to homelessness. As such, Camp Hope residents can earn $60/day through the Mano y Mano program, picking up trash and landscaping city parks and facilities.

Camp Hope is located directly behind the offices of MVCH. One of the biggest challenges Camp Hope faces is that it does not qualify for any state, federal, or foundation funding. Residents of Camp Hope are able to access these essential services solely through the generous donations of Las Cruces residents. In response to the lack of funding options, the Tents to Rents (T2R) fundraiser was created in 2016 with the goal to move people who are homeless and living in tents at Camp Hope into their own apartment or house. The Tents to Rents fundraiser is a month-long online campaign inviting people to donate any amount to support the residents of Camp Hope. This year, the campaign will run until September 27.

“We need to support programs like Tents to Rents because they help those who are at a place where they have nothing and no one to help them,” says Anne. “People don't usually choose to become homeless and most Americans do not realize just how easily they could find themselves facing homelessness. We have families and we have veterans who served our country who need our help. Just a little bit of our time and money will make a major impact on the lives of these folks,” she continues. Tents to Rents offers them what they need to become productive, healthy, and happy community members.

"As part of the Tents to Rents campaign, I post stories on my social media about individuals who have been helped by Camp Hope and ask my friends to donate to Camp Hope,” Anne shares, an effort she started a couple of years ago. This month, Anne is calling upon her fellow neighbors to donate to this cause however they are able. Whether it be time, financial donations, or donated goods, there are people in our community who will benefit. The fact is, for one reason or another, many in our community are concerned with the sheer number of people living on the streets. Tents to Rents offers a tangible way for community members to help reduce that number.

The annual Tents to Rents fundraiser raises money for Camp Hope and runs from August 19- September 27. Contributions are tax-deductible and can be made at tentstorents.org. If you’re interested in joining other efforts to support Camp Hope, check out our Local Events page for details on the upcoming “Hops for Hope” and “Grounds for Hope” gatherings at participating breweries and coffee shops. 

Mesilla Valley Community of Hope
999 W Amador Ave
(575) 523-2219
www.MVCommunityOfHope.org // www.TentsToRents.org