Tart Tatin di pomodorini

An Italian Al Fresco Dining Favorite to Add to Your End-of-Summer Spread

Tart Tatin di pomodorini

Prep time: 35 minutes

1 lb. Cherry Tomatoes 
15 leaves of fresh basil
1/4 of a small red onion
2 T. Extra virgin olive oil
1/2 t. of sugar
1/2 t. of salt
1 T. crumbled feta cheese or shaved parmigiano
1 pinch crushed red pepper flakes, to taste
1 sheet of ready-to-bake puff pastry 

Directions: Preheat oven to 380°. Halve tomatoes lengthwise and place in a bowl. Dice onion and chop about 10 of the basil leaves. Add onion and basil to bowl with the tomatoes and toss with olive oil, salt, sugar and chili pepper flakes. Coat the bottom of a pie plate with olive oil. Pour the tomato mixture directly into the pie plate with the seed side of the tomatoes facing up. Cover with the puff pastry sheet, gently poking holes in the pastry with a fork. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove the tart from the oven, cover with a plate and flip it over. Top with cheese and remaining basil leaves. Serve warm or room temperature.

Notes from the Chef: This Is a great, easy, quick dish to serve as an appetizer when dining al fresco. Pair with a nice chilled pinot grigio e.. buon appetito!