Get your garden ready for spring!

Hello, fellow gardeners!
Are you beginning to think about preparing your garden for spring? Spring is just a few weeks
away - March 20th. Oftentimes there are warm days in late February that will allow you to get
some gardening chores done and enjoy some much needed outdoor exercise.
One of the first garden chores I do in late February is to trim every leaf off my nandinas. The
reason I do this is because once the new leaves emerge, the shrub has a lacy, airy look -rather than a shrub of matted old and new leaves. Your shrub will look like a skeleton of sticks, but
new growth soon starts to emerge as the temperatures begin to rise.
Another to do in late February, early March is to remove all the leaves in the flowerbeds. This is
a huge job but one that must be done before new growth emerges, especially tulip and daffodil
bulbs you planted this past fall.
Do you have a gardening journal? Now is the time to buy a spiral to keep all your gardening
notes for this next year. You’ll be surprised how many times you will refer to these gardening
notes for plant information, where you purchased the plant and the plant cost. Staple or tape the
plant tags into your garden journal for added information.
Happy Gardening!