Adventure by Disney in Costa Rica

Adventures by Disney Costa Rica was a destination that I had been considering for a while. We tend to enjoy Disney and had heard about the Adventure by Disney brand and definitely wanted to try it out. It was everything we had hoped for and more.
The trip consisted of an 8 day adventure, three locations in destination, 16 meals, all transportation and activities. It truly was a trip that you book and don't have to plan a single thing. When traveling outside of your typical comfort zone locations, this makes for a comfortable experience. A bonus was traveling in a group and our travel group consisted of 27 people from all over the country. We started as strangers but really became friends through our trip. Many of us plan to travel on another Adventure by Disney trip in the year 2026, which was a part of the adventure that surprised me in that I didn't expect to love it as much as I did. Another thing that made our adventure was our guides. Each Adventure by Disney trip has 2 guides and their job is to act as tour guide, provide education on the destination, and also add fun. Our guides , Ronald and Kaitlyn certainly did that. They were with us from breakfast through dinner every day. I don't think we would have gotten as much out of the destination without them.
Some of the highlights from our trip were a chocolate rainforest experience, zip lining in the rainforest, Ecotermales Fortuna hot springs, Sarapiqui River rafting, Cano Negro Wildlife Refuge and snorkeling in Guanacaste. It was a full day of adventure each day of our trip. The food was amazing. Much of what we had was freshly made and authentic Costa Rican dining. It's certainly something we enjoy while traveling. Local favorites were pineapple, coffee , chocolates, guacamole, tacos and burritos. The local drink, Guaro sour, was a fan favorite.
As far as Adventures by Disney, I would recommend it to everyone. We are looking forward to our next ABD..... Greece 2026.
Pamela DiFiore
Enchanted Memories Travel