Get to Know Ron Ware at Trove Private Wealth

Founder & CEO Ron Ware
I recently interviewed Ron Ware, founder and CEO of Trove Private Wealth™ located on Taunton Street in Plainville. Ron is passionate about helping his clients create a game plan to assure that their retirement gives them everything they want -- whether that means travel, a different career, a second home, or just time to spend with their families.
At Trove, you will find passionate people from a variety of financial disciplines working together to provide seamless tax-efficient solutions for managing and preserving your wealth. They believe that successfully reaching their clients’ goals requires a broad and studied view of their financial landscape, integrated advice, and a customized plan that manages not only the opportunities, but also the risks that they may encounter.
Ron Ware is founder and CEO of Trove Private Wealth. For 25+ years, he and his team of 12 have helped families in more than 30 states discover and articulate a personal definition of legacy and stewardship and then work to fulfill it.
As a wealth manager, Ron educates, motivates, and empowers individuals, families, and business owners to clarify the purpose of their life and their wealth. He helps them think deeply about what’s possible, affirm what really important to them, and confidently plan to make a significant impact on the people, causes, and organizations they care about most. He says “with vision people thrive.” And Ron works hard to assure that his clients thrive. Ron says that he is really excited about doing that hard work.
Ron began as a financial advisor with CIGNA in 1998. Ron also began his own estate planning law firm in 2000, while simultaneously joining Valmark Financial Group. He would eventually transition all of his law client relationships into his good friend Tim Borcher’s capable hands.
In 2009, along with Josh Procaccini, Ron founded Wealth Impact Partners. Ron and Josh were having great success in redirecting their clients’ focuses and their financial plans to make a greater impact, for themselves, their family, and the causes and organizations they cared about most. The word impact was very important with is why the original name of the firm was Wealth Impact Partners. The mantra of the firm became “more than just money, more that matters!”
The firm was renamed and rebranded during 2022, to even better communicate their unique approach and distinct value proposition to their clients, professional partners, and their community. Trove is a word that dates back to the 12th century and means treasure found. Ultimately, the team at Trove Private Wealth exists to help their clients discover and do what their heart desires most -- what they care about most. They do all they can to empower their client families to unlock what they treasure most and unleash a fuller, more impactful life.
Using their flagship LifePrint™ Planning Process, as well as their numerous tactical processes, Trove helps individuals, families, and business owners realize a secure life, plan a thoughtful legacy, and in many cases create a lasting significance through philanthropic giving.
Together, these approaches provide an integrated and comprehensive suite of financial, estate, and tax planning, as well as investment advisory and fiduciary life insurance services, designed to help people maximize the impact of their financial potential during life and through an ongoing legacy they can leave behind.
Ron’s advice is “you can never plan soon enough. Your plan should be comprehensive so you can see the whole picture, emphasizing what you care about the most. And it’s never too early to start.”
He continues, “most people would prefer having a clear sense that they are all set financially. They would also like to be able to tie their wealth to what they really care about. That’s the purpose of our LifePrint Planning Process.”
He says that is their purpose at Trove. They are a team of experienced advisors who can help you have the right conversations and begin this process of self-discovery and strategic planning. Ron concludes by saying, “Your LifePrint has so much more potential. Go after it!”