Entrepreneur, All-Star & Full of Heart!
Stroll The Cliffs 2024 Scholarship Recipient, Lauren Hunt

Introducing our Young Achiever, Lauren Hunt who has lived in the Cliff's for 18 years with her dad, Michael; mom, Laeyeng; brother, Ryan; and cat, Tigger. Lauren was in the North Attleboro High School graduating class of 2024 and now attends Trinity College. She was a recipient of a Stroll The Cliffs Scholarship 2024 and submitted these responses on her application.
What community activities are you involved in?
- Special Olympics
- Special Olympics Ski Instructor
- musical recital
- YMCA volunteer events
Do you volunteer?
I volunteered as an assistant/coach for the Great Mountain Bears Ski Club at Wachusett Mountain. I worked with athletes of all ages who have disabilities, physical and cognitive.
I volunteered at the YMCA for the summer as a camp counselor and also at a local piano recital where I helped students during recitals and performances and assisted the younger students with their preparation work prior to their recital.
Did you have a job during high school?
I worked at the YMCA my freshman, sophomore, junior and senior year as a camp counselor. During my senior year I worked at the Loft Outlets at the Wrentham Outlet Mall. I also ran my tennis business which is giving lessons after the summer camp since freshman year.
Tell us about your High School Experience.
During my high school years, I was part of the following:
● Cross Country team for all 4 years. I was elected by my teammates to be the Captain my senior year.
● Tennis team for all 4 years. I was elected by my teammates to be the Captain my senior year.
● Member of BEAR Club which aims to improve our school’s recycling system.
● Member of S.A.D.D club (student against destructive decisions) - where we talk about ways to prevent and help students from making bad decisions.
● I have attended the captain conferences for cross country and tennis in the Fall and the Spring.
Tell us something you achieved, or some highlights of your experience with any of your activities.
● Was selected All-Star for tennis during my freshman, sophomore and junior year
● Was selected All-Star for cross country during my junior and senior year
● Was selected as Captain for tennis and cross country
● Number 1 player for tennis all four years of high school
● Led my tennis and cross country teams to the playoffs
● Had a record of 18-1 in my tennis season during my junior year of high school
Favorite memory and what you’ll miss the most:
Growing up in the Cliffs for the last 18 years, I have made many friends. We went to the same schools, doing the same activities, and having sleepovers and hanging out during weekends. Some of these friends have gone to college, some will be going to college, and some move to another state. But due to our Cliffs connections, I know we will stay close and continue to support each other in the college years.
The holiday spirit in the Cliffs is what I will miss the most. I will miss seeing all of the lights in
the neighborhood around the holiday season and I will miss driving around with my family or
friends and seeing who has the most decorations up.
Wrap up:
Stoll the Cliffs magazine inspired me to start my own business. I saw ads in the magazine with kids advertising services, so I decided to do the same. In the Spring of 2021, I started a business giving tennis lessons to local kids. I placed an ad in the magazine and gave lessons for almost four years before heading off to college!