Pedal into Adventure: Topsfield's Newest Business Offers Pirate-Themed Bike Education for Families and Adventurers!

From Peg Legs to Pedals: Topsfield's Pete Shares His Passion for Biking with a Swashbuckling Twist!

Your Name: Pete Conway
Your Position:  Head Instructor and Founder
Business Name: Bike Educational Institute for Pirates
Phone Number: 617-256-4506
Business Address: 283 High Street, Topsfield MA
Industry: Educational Services

What prompted you to start your own business?  I love teaching and I love bikes!  It made sense to put those together.  Biking is an incredible way for families to stay healthy and active while sharing some great memories and adventures.  I wanted to create a business that would help students of any age or need to learn the fundamentals of biking quickly and safely so they can have healthier lives.  

Could you describe what your company does?  We offer private and group learn-to-bike lessons for kids and adults.  Through the generosity of some good people we now have bikes that will allow riders that have stability and mobility issues to experience the fun of biking.    

How long have you been in business?  I have been teaching for more than 20 years but recently launched this school on the Northshore to provide an option to parents and adults in northern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. 

Is there anything extraordinary/unique your company does?  Our program has been designed over 20 years to help all students enjoy biking.  Our kids program has helped many children with or without special needs become safe and confident bikers.  

How did you decide on this industry (events that led to where you are now, where you went to school, etc)?  I started biking when I was very young and loved it.  Whether it was road biking, mountain biking, cross country, or my primary mode of transportation, biking has remained in my life as a way to stay fit, have fun, explore, and experience new things.  I spent a year biking in London and saw amazing things.  I rode from Montreal to Boston in 3 days with a friend on a whim for fun.  I rode for 10 years from Brookline to the Seaport as a commuter and I loved every minute of it.  It is my hope and mission in life to help as many people as possible to experience the freedom and joy that comes with biking. 

Given your business expertise and the nature of what you do, what advice (whether general or specific) can you offer to the residents of your neighborhood?  Do use training wheels to start your kid's biking.  It has the opposite effect than what you are hoping to achieve. 

Where did you grow up?  I was born in Woburn, but have lived in Winthrop and Brookline before finding our dream location in Topsfield. 

What section of the neighborhood do you currently live in and how long have you lived in the neighborhood?  I live on the “Hill” on High St.  My wife, Lucy, and my three daughters moved to Topsfield in 2020. 

Tell us about your family.  My wife, Lucy, is a nurse for Masco Rehab and a per diem nurse for the TriTown.  I have three daughters who all go to Proctor.  Lastly, a new puppy named Buddy joined our family in February. 

What are your hobbies/interests?  Besides bikes??? Haha.  Well…surfing, sailing, rowing, windsurfing, wind skating, snowboarding, playing music, etc.  I am up to learning anything to help me have more adventure and connect with more people.