Poppy, My King Charles Cavalier Spaniel

A Poem for Poppy by Sandra Larson

Prelude: In early September 2021 my dog crossed the Rainbow Bridge after a long life. I was already fragile mentally for many reasons. The thought of buying another dog was beyond me. After 2 years I was ready and had decided on a small dog. My neighbor gave me the name of the breeder where she got her dogs in Illinois. On January 2, 2024, I was bored and decided to drive out to Illinois and get a puppy.


My heart has been empty for quite a while
No cold noses or wet kisses to make me smile

My girl has crossed the rainbow bridge
Two years have passed, time for some courage

I saw my friend walking two new baby boys
She bought them from a breeder in Illinois

They were so cute, they melted my heart
These were the dogs I wanted to cart

Names and numbers were shared to arrange
Contact made, come Spring, things will change

But, oh.. it is Winter, it is dark and cold
Being bored and lonely is getting old.

So to start the new year, with the courage to spare
It will take about three days to get there

I packed a few things and hopped into the car
Boston, I-90 to Illinois.. yes it is far

My adventure begins, just Siri and I
A good podcast to hear, roads clear and dry

Three days pass and I meet my little girl
She is black and tan, the sweetest little pearl

We head home, no problems to inform
Moving in time to beat a snow storm

Five days from the start, I pull into my drive
So happy to be home, the next few days to revive