Getting to Know Debra Landers

Your Neighborhood Medicare Health Plans Broker!

Where did you grow up? How long have you lived in the area? Tell us about your family.
We are natives of Portland, Oregon, however, we moved to Arizona in 1988, so we have lived in Arizona longer than any other place. Tom and I have been married for 46 years, and we have a beautiful daughter of whom we are very proud, she lives just a few minutes from us.
Tell us about the events that led up to where you are now …
Living and working in the Portland area, there came a time when my hubby wanted to change careers which also meant obtaining a degree in Computer Information Systems, so he wanted to attend DeVry University, the only two locations were in California and the other in Phoenix and because his family had moved here previously, Phoenix was it!  I started working for a major insurance company immediately (FHP Healthcare, which became PacifiCare, which became UnitedHealthcare) and was there for 25 years, working with large employer group plans, group retiree plans, and Medicare health plans.
What is your business, how/why did you start your business?
After 25 years of working for just one major insurance company, so often my customers would tell me that they wanted me as their Agent or Broker, but for one of the other competitor plans, which I could not offer as a captive agent. So, I decided that it was time to branch out, start my own company and become a self-employed broker so that I could represent any insurance company, and be able to present plans that would meet the individual needs of my clients.  In August of 2013, I resigned from UHC, filed my company, Benefit Choice Advisors, LLC, with the Arizona Corporation Commission, and have been very successful ever since. We also were able to pull my hubby away from his company, and now he works for me!
 My focus is on the Medicare population. With 35 years of training, education, and experience, I'm happy to say that I am probably one of the few agents in this industry that has spent as much time helping folks understand and navigate the maze of Medicare and the various options for Medicare Health plans. I've actually been working with the Medicare population longer than most folks have been on Medicare.
 As an added bonus, my history with UHC included being the Account Manager for the Arizona State Retirement System account, so I know those programs very well. If someone is wanting to compare the ASRS benefits with those offered to the general public, I am uniquely qualified to help with this, as well.
 I choose not to dilute myself by offering other types of insurance. As a broker for the companies providing these insurance options, I am compensated by those companies I represent, and, therefore, there is no fee to any of my customers for my services, nor are the costs to the customer impacted by using me as their broker.  
 My services are not just "one-time" for my clients. I will be here always, all year long. My customers are free to call me any time, day or night, weekends, etc. If ever my client has a question, I want them to feel free to reach out to me at any time. I would rather my clients call/text/email dozens of times with what they might think are trivial or silly questions, rather than not call me the one time that they should have.
What is unique about your business?
I am dedicated to helping my customers find the right Medicare health plan, one that is right for their specific situation and needs (not one that is right for me).   Some companies have sales quotas or production deadlines.  As a Top Producer, Platinum Premier Agent, and Ambassador Agent, I never have to consider quotas or deadlines.  My motto is, "Do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason." I will always put the needs of customers first. I feel that I have the heart of a teacher because I not only want to help in the choice of a Medicare health plan, the first step is education, I want to make sure that I have fully educated my clients about Medicare itself and the options that go along with Medicare, so that they truly understand and feel comfortable with the choices they are making.
Given your business expertise and the nature of what you do, what advice can you offer to our neighbors?
There are many brokers who are anxious to help people with their insurance needs in the Medicare landscape. Some of us have many years of experience, some are just getting started, and others have been around for a few years. If you are going to work with an Agent or Broker, ask how long they’ve been selling insurance, and also ask specifically how long they have been working in the Medicare Health Plan space and if this is their full-time commitment.  Ask if they are just working “part-time” as a side gig to supplement their income and whether they represent most companies or just a few.   Whomever you would choose, make sure they have your best interests at heart, and that they represent all of your options and not just a few.
What else should we know about you, your family, or your business?
I'm a "bug collector" though not the creepy kind!  I currently have a little blue 1967 Volkswagen Beetle, and also a little red 1967 Volkswagen Beetle.  I recently sold my red 1972 VW Bug.  They are so much fun to drive. When I'm out driving one or the other, I get lots of fun comments from folks, "Oh! I had one of those in college!" It brings back fond memories for them. Driving in the summer isn't quite as fun, these are “air-cooled” engines, which means there’s no radiator to keep the engine cool, and no AC!  In the warm summer months, I’ll usually take them out early in the mornings before it gets over 100 degrees.
If you are looking for someone who has your best interests at heart and will help you find the right Medicare Health Plan, I would be honored to bring you into my “family” of clients.
What part of the neighborhood do you live in and how long have you lived in Val Vista Lakes?
We came to Val Vista Lakes in 2004 and live in Landings II.  We love our neighborhood and our neighbors!
To contact Debra: Cell: 602-363-1404, email:, website: