Bucky Appreciates his Family and Loves the Neighborhood

Hi Victoria Park Residents,
My name is Bucky, and I am a 16 year old long-haired Dachshund. Some people call me a Dotson or a Doxin, and I am also known as Buckles and Bunky. My mom and dad adopted me after my old family lost our home. When this happened, me and my brothers and sisters were put up for adoption at the Dachshund Rescue South Florida.
I was so fortunate to find an awesome new home. When my new mom and dad came to see me, I knew right away that I wanted to go with them and leave the foster home. I kept pawing at the front door to get out. Finally, my dad opened the door, and I went running outside real fast so we could go. I headed right to the car!
I really like riding in the car. So when we finally left, I was so happy!
I love my mom and dad. They shower me and my sister, Sissy, with lots of love and attention. Sissy is 16 years old too, but she is a short-haired Dachshund. My hair is so much softer than her hair is. My dad says that when I am laying down on the floor I look like a big soft rug. We are one big family and really enjoy being together.
My dad is not real smart though. One day, he let me ride with him to Carrabba’s to pick up some dinner. While there, my dad left his car door open when he went in to pick up the food. I jumped out of the car and into the parking lot while he was inside. Luckily, there were some really nice strangers who picked me up, and my dad was able to find me. Thank goodness! I think he about had a heart attack because I could have gone out in the busy road and that would not have been good.
One of my favorite activities is snoozing in the big king sized bed with my mom and dad and lounging all over my pillows. I love my pillows so much. They are so comfortable.
I also enjoy eating! When Sissy and I hear the refrigerator open, we know what time it is! I really like it when my mom and dad get us a rotisserie chicken from Publix or Costco. It is so delicious. Lately, I have been enjoying the food from a great place in Victoria Park at the Gateway Shopping Center, called petNmind. You should try it if you haven’t been there. The food is real quality and amazing. Their staff is also incredible and extremely helpful.
Sissy and I also enjoy walking through the neighborhood. We especially like running on the grass at Holiday Park. It is so much fun. We like seeing all of the people around too and the other dogs from the neighborhood.
Sissy and I look forward to seeing you out in the ‘hood some time.
Peace out, Bucky.