Anuj Gupta

How long have you lived in the Village?
Seventeen years.
What’s something that you really enjoy doing?
I really like doing photography and hanging out with friends and basically just being outside.
What’s a crazy thing that’s happened to you?
One time last year I was re-aligning my fishing pole and I was changing out the hook and my dog walked by and hit the pole off the table; the hook went through my hand and I had to go to the hospital to get it removed. The barb was stuck so I couldn’t rip it out and the doctor tried cutting the hook but he couldn’t so he had to push it back through my hand and yeah that kind of hurt.
Would you rather be late to your own wedding or your best friend’s funeral?
My best friend’s funeral because that would be horrible to be late to your wedding.
What’s a fact about a random topic that you know a lot about?
I know a lot about Hilite, and the fact is Hilite is the best high school journalism staff in the nation.
What’s on your bucket list?
I kind of want to jump out of an airplane and go cliff-diving, but that also scares me so we’ll see.
If you could spend the day with anyone dead or alive, who would you pick?
Jesus, I would just hang out with him and ask him all the questions that are controversial today.
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn?
Back in middle school, I went to school with my shirt inside out and didn’t notice; my excuse was that it was inside out day, but it really wasn’t.
What song would you want to play every time you walk into a room?
Gasolina by Daddy Yankee.
Do you think you would be friends with a clone of yourself?
Yes, because I’m actually the funniest person ever.